
Is there any taxpayer money involved in this clown show? I bet there is, and lots of it.

So, you design MonsterCable™?

The Climate True Believers are too far gone for any sort of reality to be realized. Eco-religion is a fundamental part of them; their egos, their political orientation, their outlook, their friends/who they hate, their raison d’etre, everything. It’s kind of sad and pathetic, really. Stupidity + delusion + committment

Keep the propaganda flowing.

Formerly. Whatno pruufreederz?

We’re sooo glad you’re there to let us know what we should and shouldn’t have and do. Fuckwit.

Nice Camaro!

What is the purpose of posting celebrity messages related to this poor guy’s death?

Destroy capitalism! Well, OK, let’s just weaken it until it can’t continue. And how much socialism is enough, anyway? Nobody ever seems to have an answer for that, so I have to assume the answer is “all”.

For some people, everything is all about gender, all the time. They’re desperate for attention and have, well... “problems” that they enjoy spreading to everyone else.

“There is an almost 50/50 split on the possibility”

Stop with the non-hysteria already! You’re not parroting the narrative! Puppies will die! You’re a bad person and are probably suffering from false consciousness also!

It’s pretty simple: No crisis, no funding. You obviously haven’t figured that out yet. But keep on going, your status with your peers depends on it. Need to feed the constant narrative of

Yup, it’s models all the way down, Jim.

Don’t confuse frightened, irrational, politically-motivated people with facts - they won’t listen and they enjoy abusing you from positions of mob power. And this comment will never make it out of the grey. Gizmodo’s Lead ClimateChange™ Propagandist Maddie (and almost all other CAGW True Believers) don’t want to hear

“Here Is Why You Should Buy A Used Fiat 124 Spider, But A New Mazda Miata”

“the ships were not designed to be used in that kind of environment for an extended amount of time”

Quick, somebody link this to ClimateChange™!

“Boiling the planet”