
Lou Reed. Most overrated musician of all time or most overrated musician ever? There is no third option.

Nope, I’m a bit furtherfurther North than that.. Madison, WI to be exact

Wisconsin. Best cheese on Earth.

Too late. Austin is essentially Madison with more heat and less water.

Damn fine. I heartily recommend this beer.

This is my go-to summer beer for when it’s hot as balls, I want to slam a couple brews and I still have the whole back yard to mow.

Wear whatever you want, provided I don’t have to see your gross toes. Feet are disgusting and should be hidden from the eyes of the world.

That entire APP album is the shit

Welcome to the party!

That is the world we live in. Viva la FIFA!

If they arrest him for this maybe Lizzy gets a modicum of vengeance. I’m ok with that. Also ok? Colluding owners blackballing this asshole.

More importantly, why should we care if he’s getting blackballed? Fuck this guy

Holy shit. This made my night. thank you!

You made a glaring mistake in the header. This beer isn’t from Wisconsin.

Vinnie’s email was more verbose than I anticipated. It could have just read, “no explanation necessary”.

Tom Ley is only 13.

Something tells me Rembert knows his way around a dress.

Never does anything for me except raise my heart rate and make me nervous. Now Lysergic Acid? There’s a drug that does something to you.

Not everything is about you, Jason. Narcissism much?

Just now?