
Newsflash: old man tweets for kids to get off damn lawn

I do love the stupid, repurposed version of “Sherry” that intros his podcast though...

/sotto voce: (it’s only a model)


Jalen Rose. His bat can be omsbudsman.

+1 for proper irony usage

Tom Brady molests fainting goats.

Is there no end to Tim Marchman’s depravity?

This guy is an oversensitive bully. A huge gash with a superiority complex and no moral compass.

A few years of German and a trip to the the Österreich taught me the English stereotype of the Teutonic lack of humor is a lie. I found sarcasm & cynicism to be well developed. However, a dry sense of humor is easily missed in text, nicht war?

Damn, you just got sonned, son.

I apologize on behalf of my fellow Americans. Their belief in American exceptionalism blinds them to all rational critique. Because of the sorry state of education here they have no idea you can be arrested for espousing nazism in Deutschland, so your joke sailed over their dense little heads.

We need a police force to protect us from the police. THAT’S how fucked we are right now

Spider-Man reboot with Andrew Garfield is absolute garbage and unnecessarily shows an origin story we just saw not 10 years prior. I want that time back, damn it.

But there’s no rape culture. Noope

Holy shit these are hideous. And black wasn’t added to their color scheme until after they traded Joe Montana away, so you know that’s BFBS

Now that’s how you craft a rape joke; at the rapists expense

Quentin’s on his way with another jay and it’s ok

Duleavy deserved everything he got. He punched MCW in the face

This opens the door for the Bucks to make the finals!