
Fuck you Rohan and the horse you rode in on.

Good. They don’t deserve shit. This is their fault for systematically abusing their power and actively hurting the same people they were sworn to protect. And the “good” cops are just as guilty for not turning on the bad cops. So fuck them twice as much.

Ronnie Raygun is the worst potus since Franklin Pierce.

I want so badly for this to be true, don’t spoil it

Release the Perkins!

Perk misread ‘Olynyk’ as Crowder tho

Where’s hockey guy to tell us, “That pussy Love didn’t even finish his shift”?

I’m shocked there’s a Bucks post at all!

Pierce’s old-man playing @ the YMCA impression is hilarious.

Moi aussi, mon frere. Empathy is vastly underrated, n’est pas?

Fuck misusing pronouns. You’ve shown a level of compassion that far too many people fail to do. I applaud you

Proud of you for supporting your sibling. This was a very brave thing Jenner did, just like it must have taken an enormous amount of courage for your sibling. Sadly, far too many people are going to make light of it but i think this will be looked back on as a very important step someday.

Only godless communists, rapists and pederasts support the DH rule

Cherry on the sundae

Who want’s malt in their IPA? Everyone east of the rockies

Reading is fundamental. Plus that IPA not even the best IPA in the nation. Greenflash doesn’t know malt and that is a huge problem.

Uncanny. That’s exactly what she said to me

Will, so glad you got to try the Sue. I’ve have both it and Floyds zombie dust and prefer the TG. It’s close, but Pseudo sue has more malt and is much better balanced

Everything’s better with black. Ask your mother.

4 unloved children plus the original poster starred this racist garbage post