
Anyone that deliberately sabotages his team deserves to be buried alive.

Shots fired! ESPN on ESPN crime is the best crime.

Make better jokes then

True, Chuck’s incredibly meek.

Why do you hate fun?

Please don’t post any analysis of whether or not these qualify as dunks, thanks.

Agreed. I thought I was reading Adequate Man!

I asked no less an authority than Old Hoss Radbourn. This is what he told me:

Hack-a-Jordan was the entire defensive philosophy of the 90's New York Knicks

Cubs fans are the worst. They deserve their WS drought

Holy shit I love your name

No one should be ejected for hitting Pablo. It is harder not to hit him, due to the gravity well that surrounds that corpulent bastard

Bill Hicks said it best; “if you work in advertising, kill yourself”

Tom officially co-signing Bill Simmons pet theory on LeBron’s hiatus to Balco, er I mean Miami.

I don’t love watching him. But that’s because he’s the most tedious fighter to watch since Jake Shields. He should pay me to watch.

Quick, say you were totally kidding and you for sure knew who “Iron” Mike Gallego was!

Katie Couric also had a colonoscopy on tv and even then all the doctors and nurses couldn’t find a bigger piece of shit than Floyd Mayweather.

But what will D. C. Goatse’s uniform redesign look like?

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What a piece of shit that guy is. I always called him, “Anus Williams”b/c I’m hilarious like that.