
I watched my grandfather who basically raised me, succumb to dementia. It is brutal. Cancer would have been a godsend.

Espinoza is a Persian name? Who knew?!

You can't say Coach K without rohypnol. Well you can, but roofies just make it roll off the tongue naturally. Shhshhfffsky.

They, like Trent Reznor, wear a crown of shit.

Tom, do the writers make up the headlines or does someone else, perhaps someone that doesn't read/watch the post in question?

I think they showed remarkable restraint by not emptying their guns into him. Good job, cowardly pigs!

Bob Kraft is a close personal friend of the commissioner. Tom Benson is a cantankerous, wildcard in the eyes of the commissioners office.

Your ideas intrigue me, I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This. Oh, I hope Wayne did his "DAGGER!" call when Kearse made that catch.

Cowboys schadenfreude ist mein lieblings schadenfreude.

This. Exact words even.

That's why they call him The Brown Streak.

No one wants to see T-1000 on a surfboard, Drew. Even Stan Lee is embarrassed by that idea.

I'm down to a handle of Bulleit rye for liquor. Is rye too spicy or do you think that would add to the spice of the nutmeg?

That's bigoted against sufferers of Oranal Interposition Syndrome. Buttmouth is a serious and incurable disorder that unfortunately affects millions of people. Koishki and other OIS victims deserve our compassion and respect for facing each day knowing they are doomed to "taste" with that butt for a mouth.

Fun fact: Dame Lillard is Downton Abbey superfan Matthew Lillard's name for his Dowager Countess cosplay character.

You know it. I guarantee the words, "Can we Irish it up a bit more?" were said.

I heard better crap in "introduction to philosophy" in fucking high school. Up your game, N/AJohn

I think we should throw these two jaded, privileged assholes to the wolves at Anonymous or Reddit. They'll ruin their Goddamned lives

How can a rapist know what it's like to be falsely accused of rape? Someone he didn't rape, (me, for instance) would have to be the accuser for him to have any idea what that would be like.