
"She Walks Like A Bearded Rainbow"? Damn deep cut there, Erg

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RIP Kieth Relf - Top 5 rock & roll voices of all time

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This is my feelin' alright video for throwback Tuesday. Crazy-ass Johnny Rotten at the height of his powers and a Steve Vai solo? Hell yes.

correction to your pedantry- rape isn't fun for all parties involved, but it is for some and there is no poop in the civet coffee

Oh, look! A Cardinals fan.

¡Viva la Cocaína!

I have the weirdest boner right now.

de Gaulle of you to make that tasteless joke, monsieur. For shame.

What would the Cardinals do without anything to bitch about? Remember when they got their panties in a twist about the Brewers untucking their shirts? Much pearl clutching and fainting couches were seen. What a bunch of cunts.

Bill Simmons thinks they should change the name to the Washington Khaleesiis

Drew, is there truly any such thing as "watching the Vikings in peace"? I think not.

So funny, you had to post it twice. No stars for either one though. Too bad

You know nothing, Jon Snow

Because they're horrid, sanctimonious pricks that think their shit don't stink.

Molina's such a huge gash. He's the Hispanic Brian McCann