Thank you for posting this, Barry. And thanks for deleting that insufferable cunt who came here just to post his anti-Olbermann agenda. Fuck that guy.
Thank you for posting this, Barry. And thanks for deleting that insufferable cunt who came here just to post his anti-Olbermann agenda. Fuck that guy.
The French word for Germany is
the #1 comment on this post is spam from a bot. Viva Uruguay!
Heat fans are...
100% on-board with this, Albert. Also, men who forgo socks with shoes need to be burned at the stake. I can smell your feet from here, fella. Wear a goddamn ankle sock if you don't want it to show, but for our sake, please be hygienic.
like your scrotum, this comment should be getting more love
Black Flag are better as an influence than as a band. Same for Coltrane. The larger portion of their catalogues are a test of patience to sit through.
not seeing any nsfw action in that image. Shirts & underwear/hands covering genitalia. The only question this raised for me is, What kind of prude is Tom Ley anyhow?
David Aldridge is more easily stunned than Steve Young
Who died & made this Francesca guy sports pope? Wait, Warrior just died... You're telling me Warrior was the Sports Pope! Shouldn't the college of sports cardinals meet first?
Spending 12 mil on a washed up old CB? Awesome job, Pats.
Why the fuck not? They're the same size, (actually, he's smaller) and he's easily the most overrated boxer since Oscar De La Hoya last strapped on his fishnet stockings.
He looked past his expiration date last year. Buyer beware!
Aaron Rodgers, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Velveeta is an affront to god.
As a Badger fan, I can assure you all he should be easy to run down
He's not wrong.
Cheap bitches get them at Wal-Mart? Is Harbaugh a Scottish surname?