
Yeah, no need to fine him after Starks ran through him. Maybe he'll stop leading with his head after getting put down like that.

...and karma just paid Meriweather back in full.

More like a labial tear, amirite?

You magnificent bastard. +1

So the never nudes are going 'au natural'?

Well done. COTY!

This comment made me actually laugh out loud

Sorry, feet are gross. I agreed with that Slate article 100%

Lord, it is hard being a single dad. Every mother at the playground or park looks at you like you're some kind of sexual predator when I could not care less about their kids, much less plan on napping them. Why is this so pervasive?

The phrase, "rode hard and put away wet" comes to mind.

If this is an impression of a right-wing nutter, well done! If you truly believe a trial judge in Florida is appointed for life, you need to go back to high school and re-take that civics class you slept through.

Who's backpedaling? Your examples stunk.

Like us, China and India prefer other, better sports to soccer, such as cricket and baseball. I wish you could hear me laughing, because I couldn't type cricket with a straight face. Is this where you would hurl an invective toward me, to further denigrate your point? Here goes, you're a mouth-breathing simpleton with

In all seriousness, if the American Alligator could survive in the arid Southwest, you wouldn't need to transplant them; they would already make their habitat there

The Yankees of tennis. Give someone else a turn, Serena!

Wow, we beat Jamaica, a tiny island nation with a fraction of the athletes we have to draw from for our men's teams. Shouldn't we be embarrassed how close they came to losing, rather than celebrating a near choke-job?

I think we're missing the bigger question here; Why on earth is he wearing Eric Gagne's old number?

What is a MRA?

Although I'm certain this movie is crap, I want Tim or The Emeritus to write a tongue-in-cheek, glowing review of a mainstream film, just as an exercise. I'm not sure they could even do it, since they're so far up their own asses, nothing fires them up beyond foreign/art-house/black & white shit that puts the rest of