
"Perhaps if Kobe just put on his, how you say, pantalones del hombre? He could play through this." - Pau Gasol

This is Minnesota. Those kids are so drunk on Hi-C and grain alcohol, they're feeling no pain.

/reads headline

Timing chain kept this beauty in the garage 90% of the time, but the 10% of the time it worked, it was fun as hell.

Thanks for the info, Greek. Mighty fine of you.

Greg's writing makes me wish I understood soccer. Which, to this American, seems like slow, non-violent hockey on grass. With less scoring, somehow. But he makes it sound so compelling, I keep trying to get into it, but I fail every time. What am I missing?

That joint is gonna suck. Gotsta grind that shit up so it smokes evenly with no runs or lumps. You will be embarrassed if your jay looks like it's prego or burns down one side and not the other.

Why on earth would any college student smoke synthetic pot when you can find the real deal for cheap almost anywhere on or near campus? Don't trust it if it wasn't grown, kids!

I had to look it up and am still not clear on what on-demand is. Does it work like Pay-per-view, or do you have to subscribe to DirecTV or some other shit? I am not a Luddite, I'm just old. But, as you can see now, to my eyes, this movie is nigh unobtainable.

Had to look up Sandy Denny on Wiki & damn, that was a depressing read.

Think you could review a major motion picture? You know, the kind anyone can see. This film may be interesting, but isn't playing anywhere I can get to without spending several hundred dollars and hours of flight to get to. Movie critics always reek of elitism, but reviewing stuff the unwashed horde can't see really

If the shoe fits, Ware it.

That is just adorable. If only we could give the Huskers a collective pat on the head

Pot, meet kettle.

Are you white, rich and live on the East coast? Good news! This is the show for you

Fashion is my trigger. Why should I spend good money I don't really have just to catch up with a trend? To not be ostracized by elitist douche-bags?

Sean, your "clearly ran right through him" is vastly different from the nudge we see in the clip above. Flopping is a pussy move, so I see no reason to disagree with Mr. Barea's assessment of the play. Are you that guy that calls foul on every physical play in a pick-up game? In the B1G, the refs wouldn't even blow