I always root against the Yankees, because they are evil incarnate. They would need to be playing against a team of Al-Qaeda operatives or unfrozen Nazi soldiers for me to even consider rooting for the Yankees. Even then, I'd have to sit on my hands to prevent accidentally cheering for the Yankees, just on general…
Buck Showalter is as good at strategy as Ron Washington is bad at tactics.
I agree wholeheartedly. Wilbon is a blowhard and comes off as a petty bully in this stupid beef he has with Steinberg.
I live in Wisconsin & I agree fully with your assessment. Only seen 1 accident like this, but it looked just like that. Except, the truck was a pick-up and not a semi, so it was damaged much worse.
Took me a second... and then, damn. Good work.
Could he ride a train instead of a bus? That might be faster. Passenger trains are still a thing, right?
Last night Mitt looked like an entitled prep-school bully... which is what he is.
Bullshit. I'm dyslexic and I can spell. People who use it as a crutch to explain away lazy writing piss me off b/c they give all dyslexics a bad name, in that they perpetuate an incorrect assumption. You can spell correctly, it just takes longer to do so. I know. It sucks, but if you want to communicate effectively…
I'm sorry you had to go through that, Anna. I'm not sure abut NY, (as there are slight differences from state to state) but I can assure you, as a licensed insurance agent, that what you described above is absolutely considered fraud in my state. Consult a lawyer, you've got a case.
Can't tell if serious or troll.
I love it. Thanks.
Stomach cancer needs to fire its publicist. It kills way more people, is harder to detect and affects both genders equally. (Please note: I am not saying guys can't get breast cancer - they can.)
And of course it's derogatory. That was kind of the point, but it's hard to convey tone/sarcasm in text. Anyhow, the really honky-hating Jezzies are mostly in the 49 replies @NikkiJayne
Christ, do I need to do the /sarcasm? I was practically quoting from earlier posters in this thread. In fact, I'm pretty sure I wrote that already. If you can hold on a sec, I'll dig through this damn comment system to find 'em again.
Nice troll. Not biting.
Please. It stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. And if there's one thing I learned from this thread, it's that you can't be derogatory towards whites. Seriously though, it was quite surprising to see that exact sentiment from several of the posters here. I thought we were better than that.
Reading all these heart-wrenching responses makes me think we need to demand a better quality of police officer.