Who needs a time-machine? If you want to experience life in the 15th century, just book a flight to Saudi Arabia!
Who needs a time-machine? If you want to experience life in the 15th century, just book a flight to Saudi Arabia!
That was my exact reaction at the time.
+1 enthusiastic co-sign.
I was thinking the same thing. Sefa has it out for whitey. Lookout, WASP Jezzies!
When I was young, my friend's father (ex-navy) loudly said in front of a dozen of other friends, "You've got a Filipino whore's nose." I was appalled. This more than any other moment in my 37 years on earth was the most taken-aback I've ever been. I wish I'd said something, but my brain went completely blank. 20…
Awesome post, Kristin. I'm Saami-American, which seemingly no one in this country has ever heard of, because I find myself constantly having to explain what we are and where we "come from" so I have just started affirming whatever their first guess is. So depending on the nosy a-hole, I get to be Latino, Indian,…
Good point. Welp, I guess we'll see NFL coaches continue to punt the ball away on clear go-for-it downs then.
Isn't this another permutation of the old-guard baseball scouts vs. stat analysts all over again? As you wrote, there are virtual mountains of statistical evidence that going for it on 4th & short situations (even in your own end of the field) is almost always better than handing the ball over to the other team. And…
Glad I missed Kony fever when it was going around. Too lazy to check Snopes to see how much of this is real/bullshit.
Headline is misleading and smacks of sensationalism. I think b/c he's a chef, the temptation is to describe what he did as "cooking" when he was clearly rendering the corpse for disposal of evidence. I read that & immediately thought I was going to find some Hannibal Lecter cannibalism, only to find a regular old…
How is it I've never heard of this drug 'til now? It's been illegal since '98! That said... smiles? Seems like a completely misnamed drug.
LA Vikings. Makes as much sense as the LA Lakers, they're from the same city and most importantly, same team colors. Apathetic Los Angeleans can just wear their Lakers gear to the games!
What's up with all the hate for beans? When I make chili, I use 4 red beans, black beans, white beans & whatever the hell else I fell like tossing in. It's chili; you can't fuck it up.
Josh Gibson had been dead for 24 years when he evidently no-hit the Bucs in '71, which makes his no-hitter especially remarkable.
Don't be such an ass. I'm saying don't belittle the accomplishments made in this woman's case and in the same post, bitch about what is obviously unrealistic. "Tissue re-generators?" We are years away from that.
Your ignorance is showing. Clearly, you have no idea just how advanced what these surgeons did is. First off, she'd have likely died on the operating table if her accident had occurred a couple decades back. Secondly, the transplant to the stomach and back was unthinkable as recently as just a quarter century ago.…
What fucking century do they think this is? Disgusting.