I came here to say exactly that. Good job.
You have the perfect avatar name, meathead.
Just a black eye? Reading comprehension FAIL.
Maybe I'm just an old country doctor, but if this evil bastard had been impotent, we thankfully wouldn't be talking about this story. Perhaps you mean ineffectual, (meh) inadequate, (better) or inefficacious. (Useless? Oh, I like that word to describe this rapist mofo.)
Godamnit, Kinja!
2 broke girls, 1 cup.
2 broke girls, 1 cup.
Alarmingly thin? I'm just not seeing that. She looks healthy.
Alarmingly thin? I'm just not seeing that. She looks healthy. Are you from Texas, Doug?
From a body language and facial expression standpoint, the woman above is not too terribly fond of the man next to her. Now this could be me reading trouble where there is none or just a bad moment for the camera to freeze-frame, but still... That is the look of distaste.
Deadspin need someone who knows their beer if they're gonna suggest a weekly best buy. Especially at the price of this beer above! 1488 Premium Whisky Beer is a thin gruel compared to virtually any American scotch ale I have tried. Beer Advocate gives this swill a 78 out of 100 with such shining reviews as, "I…
I figure Mr. Burns' hate-on for the gays comes from his religion, since I can't fathom why else a man who lived through segregation in the deep South would discriminate against others. I see he's Presbyterian, so I think we're on the right track going for the Jeebus angle for the source of his assholiganism. So, I…
Sad Dave Krieg make me laugh. +1
My food poisoning from there disagrees with you.
How did you get this video of me playing putt-putt? I demand you take this down at once!
Who is the she you are referring to? What is Equestria? So confused.
+1 pair of magic underpants
What gets lost in all this is that Chick-Fil-A makes terrible fucking chicken. Worse chicken than Kenny Rogers Roasters, which is already a punchline for bad food.