
D&D Update

Call of Cthulhu Update

The thing about the battles is that they're so dense, every single frame there are so many things going on..

It is embarassing isn't it? Between Quiet and Cindy, JRPGs have really been doubling down on sexist tropes lately.

I find it hard to believe that this is Final Fantasy for beginners. It's four boys-will-be-boys literally fighting to get one of them back their privilege of being the monarch. Not that the big bad should be in charge or anything, but still. The first adult woman you encounter is absurdly sexualised. How on earth is

My favourites are at 1.00, 1.55 and 3.10, approximately.

Dang, maybe I'm thinking of the director's cut patch.

I thought you could get into the Van Graff's good books first by completing their dodgy trade deal quests, and then solve Cass' quest the peaceful way.. but it's been ages since I played.

Civ VI just got patched today!

On Dishonored, I'll put this here for maximum visibility:

Ian M. Banks has a version of humanity that's developed benevolent AI, transcended their biology and yet still has to deal with intragalactic crises.

Then it's time to STEAL THE ELECTION.

Yeah, can't we bring unpledged electors back? They were cool (and also racist so maybe that won't work in this case).

Maybe it's different in the US, but I don't think they're particularly cheap over here yet. I was cynical about HD and that turned out great though, so I'm not saying it's impossible for the market to grow and take over. It just feels like consoles are being a bit too experimental lately, with VR and all, and I they

I think it's ridiculous that consoles are aiming for 4K, when the market share for 4K TVs is so utterly unimpressive. If they want to up the hardware, aim for 60fps. It's a marked improvement, immediately noticeable and much, much easier to show off in advertisements.

1960 is out of print? That's a shame, because it's definitely the best election-themed game out there. It closely resembles Twilight Struggle, but with fewer complicated actions you can take, and there's a neat way to avoid your opponent's events.

They brought up Pressure Pad! It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I feel like John Barrowman would better suit a creative show like Blankety Blank (Match Game you yanks). Now for the other British gameshows. Airmageddon is pretty awesome, even though it's for kids, and I wish they'd have a drone class in Robot

John Barrowman oozes a lot of things.

We're gonna need a hacksaw..

I would love to see tactical level combat on separate maps, like Age of Wonders for instance. Not sure they'll go down that route though, since it might make wars unbearably long.