
Oh wow, SimCopter was as late as '96 huh? The whole SimCity series has always had a great line in jazz.

The Civilization II soundtrack was completely revolutionary for me because it was embedded on the CD-ROM as proper CD audio - hence you could play the disc on any normal CD player. The themes were familiar from Civilization, but so much richer in quality, and in stereo! My favourite is probably Augustus Rises (https://

Wasn't the motivation at the start of Tales of Symphonia also escorting a young girl to her self-sacrifice in order to save the world? It seems to be a trope in JRPGs.

It's unclear from the book, but I decided it wouldn't be named after him when one of the players rolled a critical failure to know about the society - and of course they figured it was named after that guy who found dinosaurs. There is a genuine Challenger Society, for marine science, in the UK, possibly related, I'm

Hey, going to Gen Con sounds awesome! See if you can find Samantha, if she's in attendance again. There must be some other Gameorangers going too. I hear there are a *lot* of Call of Cthulhu tables to play on if you're looking for another scheduled event..

So where did everyone get the nasty outbreak (you know, the one that drives most of the game, without giving too much away). For us it was New York, and every blue city succumbed, plus a few more at the fringes. I hate that link from Madrid to South America. We're only in September though and we've been coping - it's

Call of Cthulhu Report

He sure knows his entertainment facts.

I can heartily recommend Stardew Valley. There's something very calming, yet moreish about the experience, with no pressure to get anything done other than be home before bedtime. I'm very much looking forward to another play through when it gets its planned major patch - there should be lots of new stuff to play with!

You have to get home before 2am, then you'll stop fainting!

Naturally, it should have been a complete play through of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

That it was a comedy, or not serious enough for him I guess. Yes, we have fun, there are silly moments, but the players aren't incompetent, and I reign them in when we get too far off track.

Roleplaying the little stuff can be tedious, I agree. I try to indulge any player that wants to do it a little though, whilst keeping an eye on the rest of the group to see how bored they're looking. This had led to some memorable catchphrases though, such as the long walk around the market, looking for magic items

D&D Report

That story is definitely about arrogance, but I'm not sure that it's about technological superiority. It was definitely related to considering oneself on par with god though, such that you could simply build your way up to heaven.

It's a bit odd to bring up Icarus as a classical example of the dangers of scientific arrogance, when you mentioned Frankenstein right before. The subtitle of the novel was The Modern Prometheus, and for good reason, as the classical tale of Prometheus is about being punished for arrogance for stealing a technological

Argh the whistling song!

Where was this buried yesterday?! I completely missed it.

The reason that I switch to walking around in Witcher III is that the lock-on to things you can interact with is absolutely terrible, not to mention that Geralt's turning circle is slightly larger than a minivan. It is insufferably irritating to jog up to a brazier, fail to hit E at just the right moment and then be

I went to university with one of those composers. Make of that what you will.