
Neutral: Last time I went to Sears was when I was 12 to take a shortcut through the mall, and got distracted by walking in place on the escalator and acting like “the stairs were broken” until some one called security. The security woman thought it was funny but made me leave the store.

I’m 28 and I still find it funny.

Get these two ladies together and they can be Hall and Oates for Halloween.

“should we maybe do something about these armed goons shouting hateful things and touting that they’re some sort of master race?”

“... Nah, let’s go beat up hippies.”

On the plus side if he loses his job he’ll have an easy time getting work for Michael Bay

1. I’m glad my apartment doesn’t allow trick or treating (it’s a garden-style apartment with a fuckton of stairs and balconies and a below-ground area, a death trap for clumsy, excited kids) so I can buy all the candy I want and not have to worry about lying to children that I don’t have any.

Even the components of the car want to escape how ugly it is.

They’re just practicing for when they form the giant robot.


This sounds like a case of the driver not having enough time behind the wheel to get how the A110 handles and reacts to input. Though now I’m curious as to how something like the Alfa 4c, the closest comparison, would perform under similar circumstances.

Alternately, and probably more accurately:

The driver wasn’t prepared/didn’t fully grasp the A110's handling characteristics. A driver that has more experience with cars like that or understand how sensitive to input they can be might have made it through the test just fine.

Did you sell the idea to Marvel?

My mom always said “if you’re gonna do something stupid, be smart enough to not get caught.

I know this has been said before, but can we not use that fan-made rendering? Or at least put a note like “fan-rendering provided by yadda yadda yadda.” It’s very misleading, and I’ve experienced instances where people are mistaking this for the real deal.

I kinda want to find out when the ref’s birthday is, and crash that excessive celebration.

Just tell republicans and conservatives that the asteroid will ABORT all life on this planet.

So hi everyone. Jalopnik poster here. First off this whole thing is fucked up and tragic. Second, for those who have been fortunate enough to have never seen a SUV-based limo:

Probably through an agent or broker or some other middleman. That or he just wears a paper bag mask.