
It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

Buys cars sight unseen.

If 20 dead white elementary school kids in an affluent community didn’t do it, I don’t think anything will.

This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

My wife actually asked me if he was a Make-a-Wish kid...

starred for better off ted, truly one of the best and yes underrated shows of its time. omg it makes me cry laugh

I remember this show being kind of... around when I was a teenager. I watched bits of it here and there and never thought much of it, but now I look back on it and I like a lot of the actors, maybe I should watch it? Am I wrong in getting a bit of Better Off Ted (SO UNDERRATED) vibes from it?

Ehn, I mean it is what it is, and thank you. I’ve been on this road for awhile and I’ve got the best family and friends left over from all that. Compared to other people, I’m doing really well.

Yeah, that’s the part that hurts the most. Knowing where things are headed and in the moment not being able to do everything I want to do with my kids.

Plus Kim looks like she’s wearing blackface again. Her skin is the same color as her daughter’s in these photos.

Hard pass.

For real, I can forgive a lot, but making me think Kanye West is in the right about anything is unforgivable.

I said it once, I’ll say it again;

I just wonder what she thought was gonna happen when she released this still.

It sounds exactly like Meghan Trainor’s chorus from “Me Too” except pulled off even worse.

Don’t worry everyone… I got this.