I feel like I’d be really into this if it was a thick book.
I feel like I’d be really into this if it was a thick book.
I will not rise to apologizing for the occasional tasteless joke when we are living in a literal circus. Dark levity is all some of us have left.
No one likes your comment. Sad!
Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.
At least the truck stood its ground...
I was thinking MeKristopheles.
Sir is a title, not a name, for chrissakes.
Hell no. My mother is constantly telling me I need to apologize because my father is getting old and that all of this is just a “difference of opinion.” Yes, I am of the opinion my husband shouldn’t die of a treatable illness because he had the misfortune of having cancer (at age 33 no less!), and my dad is of the…
Chances that Trump didn’t even know this was fake, and one of his employees frantically knocked it up at some point to soothe him during a temper tantrum?
I mean, I know people have varying opinions on the monarchy - as an American, I have no horse in this race. However, I have to appreciate that despite being born into ridiculous wealth, the younger members of the royal family seem to be trying to actually do some good with whatever influence/power they have.
Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.
First I want to say how heartbreaking and scary as fuck this is. I can’t imagine being trapped (and also being told to stay in place as many people were) and being unable to escape.
Oooo… Please let be that be true! Jackson was shot by his own men and died a pretty horrible death.
He just pleaded guilty?
Whatever happened to that weirdo who used to show up in the comments for any Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin article and rant and rave about how Anthony Weiner is ABSOLUTELY NOT A PEDOPHILE?
Jones isn’t cultured enough to appreciate good yogurt.
Every day he looks at her like it’s the first time he’s seen her. That’s just love, baby
Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.