
This is horrifying to me—11 years ago I was literally diagnosed 16 hours after presenting at the ED with the left side of my face numb. I started a DMD 45 days later and have only had 2 relapses in that time.  I can’t believe that people have to wait so long when it’s so important to start treatment as soon as

My 12 year-old daughter and her friends.  I come home from work and they are in a puppy pile on my couch watching.  They love it.  It’s disturbing.

Can we please not generalize here--I have had MS for almost 11 years and I am just about her age, and I am fine.  Most of the people I know with the disease are fine.  It’s an inconvenience, and the shots 3 days a week are a pain, but otherwise, it’s not the hellscape people paint it to be.  Also, the average lifespan

I’ve been watiting for someone to say “With Honors”. I loved that movie. I still tear up when I think about it.

One thing—if the thread gets hot enough, and popular enough, it will show up on r/all. Which is when all of the anti-Apple people sweep in and tell their stories, and all of the neutral people chime in with theirs. It really depends on how much attention the thread gets. We are a big Apple house (2 Apple TVs, 2

Literally just ordered 6 of these for my husband’s stocking. Thanks!

Literally just ordered 6 of these for my husband’s stocking. Thanks!


My 11-year old Persistent Developmental Disorder NOS/Sensory Processing Disorder/Hypotonic daughter has recently discovered that she loves (and is actually good at) indoor rock climbing. We are now regulars at our local climbing center and she loves it. I am going to show her this and show her she can achieve anything

Isn’t the third dose unnecessary if the child gets the first 2 early enough? My 11-year-old starts in October. Our Ped has said she will only need 2 because she will be getting them early enough, and the new literature indicates it’s not necessary to do all three.

High five fellow MS haver—I think I was sliding toward atheist before the diagnosis, but damn if it didn’t seal the deal. This disease is not ‘God’s Plan’, otherwise God is a sadistic fuck who is thrilled by my daughter watching me die in centimeters.

That is EXACTLY what I said when I heard it—it’s a crappy Meghan Trainor song knockoff.

The mid-late nineties suicide in LA? My kid brother watched that one too—who the fuck cuts from afternoon cartoons to a police chase that ends in the guy blowing his brains out and setting fire to his dog? That one was seriously traumatizing for kids watching.

Advice needed!