Chanting Tantrum

hahah next time people bash on him im going to pipe in and i hope you’re with me!

Yes!!! the grey in his hair too in batman when hes wearing the vest and runs into the smoke... HOT! you can just watch it in a trailer.

You were the brilliance behind the joke, my friend.


I so wish the Ben-Jen rumours were true. I liked them together and give them mad respect for handling their divorce as well as they have.

Thats bullshit! A vagina, is a vagina, is a vagina! Its NOT a bad word!!!

YESSSS EXACTLY!!! omg why arent people noticing that we’re all being fooled!?!?!?

I can say that I suspect that they are well aware that all this hype surrounding Lemonade is a smart ploy to get themselves even richer. Havent like a ton more people signed up for Tidal since this whole thing happened?

I sometimes wish i had your family.

“I needed a couple days to gather my thoughts. After 26 years with this company, I earned the right. And let’s be honest, I know half of you called in sick to be here, so we get each other.”

It really does. My heart is sad for her. I couldnt imagine feeling a tad bit responsible for something like that. And it sucks even more so that the US struggles so much with stricter gun control.

Elephants are the best fucking creatures out there!

Exactly - you can find some cool stuff and restore it beautifully.

I agree... Juicing is easy to help get some vitamins in...

Awww thats so good to know!

Unfortunately for me, none of my friends smoke with me, they just judge silently on why we’re in our 30's and im still smoking.

I absolutely hate when people add “and that” to the end of their sentences. Its completely redundant... what does it even add?

whaaaat! where?!?! street names pls

Now playing

Another amazing display of musical genius-ness(?)

I came here to write the same thing.. they have the exact same smile