Chanting Tantrum

One of the things that really troubled me is that I was one of the only people who apologized to Steve. It would have been nice if the prosecutor and sheriff had said, “Actually, we all got it wrong.” I felt like I was the only one taking any responsibility.

I knooooooooooow. That part was unreal. Something fishy for sure. Its hard to wrap my head around.

Also I think I read somewhere that there were actually four other people that should have been looked at. But I do agree, its so hard to believe that the cops did that. Mind you, I wouldnt put it passed them. I think I’d just rather believe they didnt.

WHY do I keep doing this to myself!?!?!

Man, I know someone that says delusional shit like that all the time and I couldn’t go on being friends with her.

Hey gmoat, you could listen to the 30 min podcast about it. Its a great story. Radiolab - Are you sure? Its the last story so FWD to the end. I can understand why these guys cant do it. Especially when its close to home

Thats the one!

Yeah i just posted about this before I saw you post this. I was absolutely enthralled with her story when I heard it on Radiolab. I googled and googled some more about it. I just cant believe the luck with that poor woman too.

I friggin LOVED The Staircase. The story is better than fiction. Who knew that it would have turned out the way it did when the producer first laid eyes on the story and decided to start filming

Yes yes yes! I first heard about this story on a crazy Radiolab podcast episode and I made every one my willing friends listen to it. i am super eager to watch now!

My brother and I recently had this discussion about fame. He is convinced the pressure alone, when you are famous is too much - that some people cant deal and malfunction as humans (à la Britney Spears head shave) or become egotistical (à la Biebs) that you cant reintegrate into humanity. He thinks that people who

Frenemies like that are the absolute worst...

Totes! When I have the munchies, I could not go into a donut shop and simply just lick a donut without then devouring it. I would have to avoid the donut shop altogether, like completely. Or else Ill be like that bear who ate the whole pie shop in Colorado.

Eating her words to compensate for the donut she didnt eat at all.

Can I just say that every time I’m in another country and I hear a Nickleback song come on the radio, I just weep sadly to myself.

Hey you guyyyyyyyyys

Yes, the waters of Byron Bay almost took my life one day. I seriously have so much respect for the ocean... as I always have - I just dont think im invincible like I used to think.

She is found!

Going to Iceland for this summer solstice actually - thanks for the tip.

I also came here to say the same thing.... she really is everywhere. I think its