
Bras are handmade. They’re not made by robots. Saying they shouldn’t cost more than $20 because robots should be making them bypasses the entire point/our current reality.

Viggo escorting a minority through treacherous territory again. 

OMG remember when Lindsay Lohan fucked Max George? I guess that’s more sleeping with than sleeping on, tho

Yeah, he’s everyone’s buddy. It’s like Douglas. He also was everyone’s favorite. We Vermonters are a weird bunch.

I’m not sure where you are, but in my area (Underhill), I didn’t see many signs in support of Christine OR Scott. Their platforms weren’t radically different, and like many of my peers I would have been happy had either candidate won the election. That race just didn’t have a strong sense of urgency and momentum, IMO.

Nobody -- not Hallquist, not anyone -- ever remotely suggested that being trans was itself a reason to vote for her.  

I voted for her, and was really hoping she’d win for many reasons. I liked her platform, but knew her beating Phil “Veto-Machine” Scott would be an uphill battle.

I live in Vermont and voted for Hallquist. I have to say I think why there was not a large mobilization to vote for her was we have had Dems/Progs before promise us the moon. Gov Shumlin ran on single payer but failed to deliver. He even hid the fact that he already decided to not try to implement it before his last


I enjoy Glad You Came. The last word of each verse starts the next verse and I was amused when I found that out.

Yep. The people around here who were really angry at Phil Scott were the hardline Second Amendment folks — and those people would NEVER vote for a trans woman.

I was also surprised she lost by such a wide margin, although the polling had been pretty consistent throughout. But since the coverage was so lacking in

My hot take on this is that while she was on Nickelodeon they wanted her to be as white as possible. Now she is tanning probably too heavily, and I think her actual skin tone is somewhere in the middle. I definitely think she uses her tans to increase her “ethnic ambiguity” in order to profit. 

I keep my PB in the fridge but I buy the natural stuff where you hve to stir the oil into it on a regular basis and keeping it cold helps to prevent it from separating. 

You would not believe how many people don’t give a single fuck about your pregnancy/labor PTSD and pressure you to have more kids.

2 striking hotties who also happen to be badass warriors of justice?  Like, someone write this stupid movie already!

God, she is the bomb.  (Also I am kinda shipping her and Colin RN)

After four reviews, just... oh my freaking god, we get it. You read Shirley Jackson. You liked Shirley Jackson. You really wanted this to be the TV adaptation of Shirley Jackson. Can we please move on already?

Literally went “what the fuuuuuuuck” when floating man popped up. So good job there, show. Very unnerving.

I don’t know, I thought the use of the “twin thing” throughout the episode came to a devastating head when Luke realizes he’s not feeling phantom withdrawal, but is actually feeling his sister’s death. That genuinely, actually moved me. Those poor twins. I love them.

So, are these reviews essentially recaps with some light criticism thrown in? I’m surprised that there’s no mention of Victoria Pedretti’s gobsmacking performance as Nell, which has to rank among the best I’ve seen on television. Unfailingly genuine, inventive, and expressive stuff, which sells every second of it.