
Isn't it called femnicide?

Happens in the Indo-Canadian community, particularly in western Canada, too. Which will backfire on them mightily because their sons will then be forced to marry white whores, as the parents of one of my best friends refers to them/us.

I did too, until I read the article. The aborted girls are counted into the number that would make the women:men ratio more natural. Accounting just for the killed and neglected women doesn't bring the count up high enough. I support abortion rights, but do believe selective gender based abortions are harmful to

They are missing women. Aborting female fetuses (or killing baby girls as they are born) because they're not male exacerbates an unbalanced male:female ratio in the country. China has the same problem.

Sounds like you're teaching your son valuable skills like how to have sex quietly, how to tell if your parents are really asleep, how to clean up quickly and discreetly and to develop a good poker face.


lolwtf, this is coming from a guy who hasn't seen his dick in decades?

Oh who gives a fuck about this miserable, cranky piece of shit. Let's talk about how amazing Oprah has been looking lately! Look at this! She wins everything!

"it gave Ms. Collins’s three younger adolescent children a view of committed love that far surpassed most of what they had seen from adults"

I think we can safely say the "no religious stuff on your period" rule is NOT to honor the women. I don't even need to hear what religion it is. It doesn't matter.

(Peter Sarsgaard, the Michael Jordan of freaky menace)

Because no-one can agree what "all" is. The reality is you can't have it all - no-one can ever have it all. Not men. Not women. The agony is that you're going to have to decide: do you want the high-paying job, or do you want to spend time with your kids? For some women the answer is spending time with the kids.

That literally sounds like a spam letter - "I am very successful and have ensured you will recieve $5.5mln in the next two days, to your account" [actual quote]

Hahaha, he's an Asian who wants a size 0 white girl. what a fucking cliche.

He's Asian. And he will only accept a Caucasian. I am reading so much into this.

Based on his overuse of parentheses, I'd say this guy is a 7th grader dressed in his dad's old suit.

Three Ivy League schools and no ability to use punctuation or capitalise 'I'. *sigh*

These are MY hard objectives:

"Good person, follows the Golden Rule, nice and kind to others, never does bad things because of values."

So want do you get if they bone? Free boobs?