
We're informed by a manager that the water flights are actually sold out — they've had major interest since the L.A. Times piece

At least she didn't release a pop song.

P.S. I would watch Lindsay Lohan: Phone Detective.

I'm pretty sure that's what Bret Easton Ellis actually thinks a period is.

Wait... Sydney Leathers *isn't* her porn name?

"But conceptually, it's just bored white people being dicks to each other because they're so bored and they're so trapped by their boredom and isn't it fascinating how trapped and bored they are and isn't white boredom truly the defining struggle of our age?"

Lindy, I am now seriously concerned that the editorial staff at Jezebel is either trying to kill you or drive you insane. Look what these sadistic bastards have had you do:

My review of The Canyons:

Allow me to illustrate my reaction to everything about this movie.

I Know Who Killed My Movie Career

"...her period, which is a type of bitch infection that women get in their underpants."

I think the hard R makes a huge difference! Not that a silent R coming out of his mouth isn't the absolute worst- but something about the hard R combined with the southern accent, just makes it sound like he really means it.

Just awful. I mean, do people seriously wear button-downs with cut-off sleeves in public?

easy for him to say at a country music concert.

Women have the right of free speech to tell men to shut the fuck up already about rape jokes. The aren't funny.

Agreed. Trying to be funny by just saying shit about rape is so fucking lazy.

People. For the last fucking time. Just because you make your 'jokes' offensive and outrageous does not make them automatically funny. Being intentionally offensive is crutch/fallback for lazy, unfunny comics. And when people don't laugh (because they're aren't fucking funny) their defense is always that they are

But rape humour is so edgy! It rejects the status quo of our rape-free world and makes us imagine a world where sexual assault would be rampant, its perpetrators treated with impunity and its victims shamed and silenced! Avant-garde!