No, probably confederate
No, probably confederate
That little gem is my fiancee’s “learner” bike. It was the subject of something I wrote a while back:
I’ve gotten robocalled by Hatch 3 times in the last several weeks. There’s no doubt he’s running again. The only way he loses an election here is if Jesus himself runs against him.
Cornered dog barks the loudest.
There are minimum age limits that prevent a younger person with no health or mental deficits from serving, why is a maximum age limit any different? A 28-year old can’t be a senator (but can be a house rep) but a 30-year old can. This would be no different.
Also wouldn’t be a bad idea for presidents. Perhaps we’d suffer through fewer of these old geezers who always seem to be pining for how “great” things allegedly used to be.
Lol! this brings up some funny but telling conversations I’ve had with my confederate loving friends.
As opposed to the response to any valid criticism of the country being met with a: “WHY DON’T YOU LEAVE THEN, WHOOOOO USA USA USA!” by someone wearing a Confederate flag shirt.
The difference between Patriotism and blind Nationalism is largely lost on the right.
If ever there was a time to be worried about the course America is on it is now. I don’t think of it as “self-flagellating masochism” so much as general concern that a massively divisive rhetoric is being deliberately and cynically deployed in order to blind people to the fact that the country’s wealth is being…
Not all winter tires are the same. This test completely skips performance winter tires.
Not to be that guy....But,
EE has become quite good at the almost but not quite clickbait.
If you buy the ‘77 Cherokee Chief, one of the conditions of the sale has to be that you get to keep the license plate.
Hey, don’t make me go get him
aaaaaaah. I was comparing like every line on the front of the car and somehow overlooked that 100%. Solid work, me.
2018-19: 500 Days of Fancy Kristen
I used to watch a lot of the UFO shows on Discovery Channel back in the 90's, and it really messed with me sometimes. Like, a lot of it was clearly bored farmers having a laugh with home video cameras & such. But like 1 out of 20 stories was some ex-air-force test pilot telling a story just like what came out today,…
Jalop family,
If anyone had any doubts about Roy Moore being a bigoted racist shitbag (kinda hard to imagine with everything else), just parse what he just said.