If you think they’re protesting the national anthem then you probably think Rosa Parks was against buses.
If you think they’re protesting the national anthem then you probably think Rosa Parks was against buses.
Popovich Pops Off On Piss-Poor POTUS
You have to admit, though, that the ghost of Dorian Corey is smiling at this exchange:
Kathie Lee Gifford punched Megyn Kelly in the uterus and said, “The Lanisters send their regards.”
I can’t recall anyone who was a less eloquent, less polished speaker. I get headaches every time I read his stuff. I know there’s some repetition for reinforcement of messaging, but his is literally just spewed garbage.
I’ve lived in NYC for about 18 years now but Trump - who is a born and bred New Yorker and therefore one of the only ones who can claim to be a True New Yorker according to New Yorkers - is proof that no region of America can claim intellectual superiority over another
Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.
I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:
“How does being black and not liking Trump automatically become an ASSumption about not working for a living and leaving the country?”
Looks like it comes standard with a plow, just put chains on the rear wheels, should be good.
White Opinion Alert. Feel free to disregard.
They’re obviously all doing it wrong.
Also, courtesy flush. There’s no reason to let your poop linger in the bowl, stinking up the joint. Flush as soon as you poo, people!
Oh, Kristen. Come on.
She is performing a public service - she knows Mustangs kill people, so she refuses to have one in her video. This song even has the warning: “Mustangs.......Gonna hit you like lightning”
Bud Light is like making love in a Canoe...
There is no such thing as a “decent” light beer.
The real wall was the friends we made along the way.
Anything that makes Steve Doocy’s life more difficult is a net plus.