TRL was THE show to watch when we’d get home from eighth grade, circa 1999-2000. I don’t remember being interested in it once we got to high school, which was 2000-2004, and it was certainly gone from anyone’s minds by college.
TRL was THE show to watch when we’d get home from eighth grade, circa 1999-2000. I don’t remember being interested in it once we got to high school, which was 2000-2004, and it was certainly gone from anyone’s minds by college.
Doughpends on the speaker.
Just leave all food alone. The endless striving to “reinvent” perfectly good foods smacks of extreme try-hardism. It’s like every wannabe with a ladle suddenly thinks they’re Heston Blumenthal, destined to shatter conventions and turn the culinary world upside down. 90% of the time, the result is shit.
I have no f***ing clue either who they are or why we should care.
My SIL publicly yelled at my FIL to stop demanding hugs and kisses from her daughter and FIL nearly collapsed in shock. (He doesn’t touch my kid that way because my kid is a boy and male bodies are respected but female bodies are public property.)
FIL just sputtered, “oh? OH? THAT’S BAD? Well, maybe I will never kiss…
He was merely taking time off while he transformed into Jon Stewart the White.
Again proving this hareline sucks.
When you have so little else to be proud of, skin color is a fallback. She doesn’t have looks, intelligence, social status, wealth or achievement. So the amount of melanin in her skin and the geographical location she was squeezed out on birth is all she has got. It also explains the anger.
Without health insurance, how will he treat his bone-itis?
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that Scaramucci is a fucking moron who’s terrible at his job.
Wagons are the most perfect body style.
I got hate crime’d in a gas station parking lot just a week ago. I’m a five foot Italian who has moderate dark skin and I’ve got low level racism most of my life. But out of nowhere the woman parked next to me shouted out to me what country you from cause you ain’t from mine. I lost my cool and shouted back at her.…
I like the fact that he quotes JoPa.
I wish he would have quoted Trump also:
Anyone else notice that whenever these diamonds in the rough actually get caught on camera, they look just like the worthless Jerry Springer trash that we expect, but when they come on here, they try to claim to be lawyers and startup wizards?