
Only the patience to comment on articles about it. Gotcha.

You guys just have a giant wheel full of the names of creatives and networks that you spin every 8 months so you can publish a “Foundation is being made by...” story, don’t you?

Ohh, you work for Verizon? So sorry. We’ve had to throttle the water to fight the fire at your house.

“Hey, guys, how about a cameo?  Guys?  Guys?”  wailed Katherine Heigl as she was escorted from the set...

Hopefully 100% Heigl-free.

I never really liked that talentless hack Chris Hardwick.

Mr. Hardwick, is that you?

I agree. She is adorable. I hope she sees a lot of success out of this.

That’s nice.

She is an unstoppable force of positivity and I hope this leads to many more opportunities for her. 

If a fanbase of shitheads were a good enough reason to cancel something YouTube would be missing all of its atheist and gaming channels.

I laugh my ass off at someone screaming “THIS ONE’S FOR US” when almost every Hollywood blockbuster made now is catered exclusively to their specific strain of straight, white male gatekeeping nerdom. You guys won! You have a new Star Wars and Avengers movie every year. They’re competently made without ever taking

Is it a coincidence that this is being announced so soon after her passing? Almost exactly 4 weeks later?

Beth...I enjoy your writing. Generally informative, efficient and on the point.

I wonder if “A” is going to jump into a morbidly obese person. Or an ugly person. Or someone with a mental illness. Or someone in jail. Probably not, probably just super hot people.

Somewhere there’s an irresponsible spirit named B who’s all like “Whoo, I can mess up this body as much as I want with no consequences! Time to get a mountain of cocaine and go have unprotected sex!”

Not really. He's just 26. Everything is about you when you're twenty-something and it's too early to even consider the possibility of anything else.

Are people missing what's bad about this? I also can't stand the company of children, but the idea of giving them "evil stares" for the crime of being children... Look, when I was a child as young as four or five, I had severe anxiety issues and was very sensitive to what people thought of me. Some stranger glaring at be honest 26 yrs old is not really a grown up yet, talk to me when you are 36 kiddo

And if you're poor, or in the military, or live somewhere without broadband, well, then we don't want you as a customer. Sorry 'bout that, folks.