Lift up a rock in America and see the Republicans crawling under it.
Lol. You don’t *always* have to be on-brand, y’know.
Does that car contain shortbread cookies?
...something about apples, trees, and the effects of gravity...
Hmm was someone watching Doug earlier...
Mouth breathing morons who reflexively worship the flag do not have the slightest inkling of what that flag means. Nazis worship flags. Americans stand, or kneel, for the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest against injustice that the American flag symbolizes.
Fuck you. Depression sucks.
Flush the rust out of your eyes, David. That’s hideous. Fugly, even.
Hypocrisy is the one thing that the right wing is consistent on.
But Ford stock is up 3% after hours! /s
It’s surprising, since obviously the guys who buy the big shiny trucks, do so because they care about their image, about “what people think”. Yet they are completely oblivious of the stereotype associated with such a purchase: “big truck, small....”