Looks like we found the Elon “Rider” in the group.
Looks like we found the Elon “Rider” in the group.
Its hilarious how butt hurt Jeep fan boys get over this sh*t. Dear God.
Thats why you RENT a van.
Doug, that you??? You writing for Jalopnik again???
Haha, hopefully Doug is getting cut of this guys pay for this unoriginal article.. The plagiarism is soooo baltant!
Shutup Jalopnik...you know this truck it complete BS. Stop wasting our time. Then again, isn't that the whole point of this site.
Awwww, triggered deplorable. Don’t worry bud, it’s back to the basement for you this November, where life it sooooo much simpler.
Awwwww, triggered deplorable.
Again, fuck you and your childish attempt at defiance and classless plea for attention. No one is impressed troll.
Doesn’t matter how cool your car is...driving gloves ALWAYS look douchey.