
Ugh this reminds me of the time somebody burned toast at work and our system auto-called the fire department. Despite clearly being burned toast and everyone knowing that, we had to do the full evacuation procedure of the building. 3 Trucks showed up for burned toast, guarantee there was a fine handed out, which

Wow I didn’t know it was the wheel, it’s weird they advertise a seperate playstation package: direct drive, wheel, and ironically the worst pedals in their line. Maybe it’s changed now that GT5 is released and was just their initial opening package, and hopefully now things can be bought individually.

New wheels are

ah darn, sorry i meant for PC. I have high doubts a console will properly talk to an arduino chip posing as a joystick with only one axis assigned.
My bad.

This was the breaking point for me just not getting a PS5 so I could enjoy Gran Turismo 5 with a wheel. My wheel is PC (possibly xbox too) only, with Fanatec having a specific model that has the PS5 security chip.
I’ve just had to accept I wont be touching GT5, won’t be able to go back to a controller after all this

I grabbed a handbrake off Amazon. On average they are about $90, pretty good for a solid metal peripheral, and shockingly cheaper than the official thrustmaster that goes about $350.
I’m pretty sure they are repurposed aftermarket handbrake levers, with all the mechanical guts removed, and a hall-sensor + Arduino chip

I remember when I got my Fanatec after a good amount of time with a G27 I borrowed. When it arrived I immediately started setting it up at my desk (a former dinner table), only to be thwarted by the crossbeam blocking the mounting clamp. .. A fanatec mount sized gap was then sawed off the middle of the crossbeam in

What in the Dunning-Kruger is that Tweet..

Wow and I thought it was pretty dense in Vancouver, although I’ve seen worse.
That satellite footage looks pretty bad down there. First day the smoke was really high up and hadn’t hit ground level yet, so we had the whole red sun that was so dimmed you could look right at it. Next morning I woke up to smoke indoors and

I remember when I didn’t have a PC powerful enough to run BF1942, I’d play it at my friends place after school. This was a little before the time one of my friends got a new PC with a “uselessly over-the-top” 1gig of RAM which at the time seemed like he would never need more for the rest of his life. Oh simple times..

There is more to the images than just trying to find planets to go to. In fact I am pretty sure most scientists involved have no intent to find a new planet to go to. It’s in-part about the fact that we have millions of planets in all different stages of development. We can find out more of our planet’s past by

Ok, looking at the asking price it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting but it’s still pretty rough for an model that has absolutely no paint detail to it’s barren plastic. On the other hand, I’d totally get this and paint it up a bunch. Even just a good panel-liner pass would do it wonders (this is something I would at

Wow, Crimson Skies, what a nostalgia hit I just got there. Had the same feeling with the shot of the Aircraft parked in the air-ship. 

The fact the entrepreneur that came up with the Sea-Monkeys product : Harold Nathan Braunhut, a white supremacist, makes this too accurate for comfort.

I’m really happy there is a bit about the music, as I had found it quite charming but didn’t realize it was developed for the video. Very nice.

I too considered programming but at the time with poor grades and the cemented idea that “if you don’t have A’s in math you can’t be a programmer” I completely abstained. Now just through work I end up making expressions to quicken workflow or automate things even though at no point have I ever taken a class through

If it wasn’t for half-life and it’s available editor tools, i probably never would have been working in the CGI industry for almost 15 years.
Getting used to 3D workflow as a teen, messing about with scripts and animation timing. I built maps for myself to play in CounterStrike with ai that I had to use a pathing tool

dammit i even read this in Clooney’s voice.

All we can really do is “pushback” where we can negotiate with them verbally during a meeting. Usually an Art Director and Director can explain why something wont line up well etc. Production can say “well this is the reference you initially sent us, these are new notes on a third pass.”
You can shoot stuff down here

One could make a graph of my personal creativity outside of work vs time in the industry, and it is essentially a linear plummet until it hit about 5 years ago where it just rests flat-lined on the bottom.
You can also compare moments in time where I attempt to do a personal project and overlap it with manic episodes

Something like this happened in my town, guy’s work-van plowed through an intersection killing a family and leaving bodies strewn in the street. People where severely enraged and wanted the guy held responsible, whom of which was in a coma in the hospital. When he came to, they didnt tell him about the casualties of