
It didnt take me long to recognize Jared Harris as the Captain in The Sea Beast (a pretty decent PG watch), but I was going mad trying to figure out who the other main guy was until the credits. Turned out to be Karl Urban, I guess it was hard to pin-point him despite having watched The Boys the day before when you

But how many Long-Islands  is that? And for fractions of a Long-Island, could you break that down in Football Stadiums, then Olympic Swimming pools, and Ford F-150's.

I never paid attention enough to realize they sent Immortal to an outsourced studio and it makes way more sense now.

Hard to joke when he is in such a prokaryote situation.

I am fully under the impression Immortal was either the Dev’s pitch to shut up the Executives while they build D4, or the Executives pitch to get around Dev’s not wanting to implement microtransactions heavily into D4. Immortal also just feels like nostalgia drawn from a hat, with plenty of revisiting of old

This has been on my radar especially after the news of the Veloster being sunset.
Only things really holding me back aside from being a little pricey: I’m in no position to get a charger installed at my home, and we’re all on street parking in my area, which is essentially cut-throat musical chairs. I am looking into

That is my feelings on the whole thing. I would love to have a car again but especially where I live, it is not feasible. Even with a complete disregard to fuel costs: Insurance for people like me who will go a decade without a vehicle, and new drivers; we are looking at $275/mo for mandatory non-private insurance

I built a little close to the start area and regretting it the more im needing to go further north, considering a new base (really glad it allows you to build 2 castle hearts, at least so you can slowly move between the two locations over time). My current one has a Treant out the from steps that I skip by every

Awhile back I had ordered my racing sim setup and it was going to take quite a few months to ship some of the core parts. So in the mean time I got absolutely sucked into Death Stranding and loved it. Then one day, while actually playing Death Stranding and enjoying some major plot-points, the racing rig arrived.

I read something really neat about these caves:
The people that made these used some interesting techniques including carving lines into the rock and painting on one side or the other of the scratches. A lot of the drawings had at time of discovery, seemingly mythical creatures like two-headed deer, or animals with

Bah, It’s Mobile-style Diablo, the restrictions are doing those regions a service by combing out exploitive trash. It’s a hype-riding inbetweener game leading up to the actual Diablo IV release, and likely has about as much merit as a mobile game created in tandem with a movie release.
Mobile games have their place but

Well, that made my day.

This turned out to be a lot of fun.
I have zero interest in Vampires, be it a character class, movie theme, etc; and I never found the teenage appeal that my friends did. So when this came up on steam store ads etc, it was just some game I’m never going to try without a second thought. A friend got me to try it out

I was thinking the same thing, a lot of street-work and city landscaping trucks run on propane which have the tanks behind the cabin.

In the rare case that I try doing some home deep frying, I use a small radius but tall steel soup pot. Having a small base it requires less oil to have things submerged, is tall enough to prevent splashes, and a little easier to manage the temperature since it can be deeper. I still hate every second of it, so is

Another thing that really shocks people when they have oil to such a high temperature is that it is far less viscous and splashes more like a pan of water than oil. When people panic and attempt to move a pan of oil it splashes around, and their first instinct can be to thrust it towards wherever they intend to

Thank you so much for this comment!

I’m loving how unique the lens flares are, due to the structure of the mirrors.

I split workloads with a guy that would just say that everything is “Fucked” and he would flick the ‘F’ sound so violently everyone in the meeting would flinch every time. On top of that, it was his blanket complaint during meetings regarding issues with a new proprietary software tool we had been testing. It was

Can they come up with a rating for whenever these sociopaths speak?
It’s been disturbing content every time they bring these topics back up.

Religion should be like having a model train set in your basement: Nobody is going to stop you from doing it, you’re free to go to the weekly meetup, and if you try to impose the