
Acid/base woo is some of the stupidest and yet persistent woo out there. I think this is because it’s so easy to produce test results that look impressive and because the “treatments” are both inexpensive and generally harmless (except insofar as they delay pursuit of effective treatments — there are people telling

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Hubble started off with six gyros on board, but only three remain.

What in Jeebus’ name does this mean? Am I so far behind on modern slang?

Now playing

I liked the new scenes but the editing job, which was not approved or overseen by Lynch or his editor Antony Gibbs, is a trainwreck. That’s why both of them had their names taken off the extended cut.

Okay Sean, don’t over promise. Just say we’ve been working on something and show some clips!

“Look guys, all I’m saying is, we can all be sure, none of us are infected.”

I am DAMN tired of these dictator-craving Whites being described as “conservative”. Conservative is the last thing on these fascists’ minds.

Oh hey, look at that. Yet another reason I'm glad I stopped buying consoles. I keep finding those.

The official Shell video is now...unlisted. Which is hilarious.

Maybe because I work with a bunch of 20 year olds, but even I as a dude in my 40s saw that as Shell Station sus. Way to out yourselves Shell. Of course you’re sus with shit like this.

One of the first things we learned in graphic design class and they used as an example. Heck I’m old and I read it as “shell station sus”.

Shell manager who came up with that line was probably like:

Once again, guns are for pussies

Now playing

it provides the same function as the “pipes” and “cables” all over the exterior that are really just part of the fiberglass shell and aren’t connected to anything.

Psyche is ready to launch.

walk without rhythm and you won’t attract the worm

I mean, Heir to the Empire I’d argue is THE most important novel, but this one definitely had a surprising impact on canon considering its reputation.

I’m saying the ultrawide is screwy and they need to fix that outside of being modded in.

Serenity looks pretty great