
That is my feelings on the whole thing. I would love to have a car again but especially where I live, it is not feasible. Even with a complete disregard to fuel costs: Insurance for people like me who will go a decade without a vehicle, and new drivers; we are looking at $275/mo for mandatory non-private insurance

I built a little close to the start area and regretting it the more im needing to go further north, considering a new base (really glad it allows you to build 2 castle hearts, at least so you can slowly move between the two locations over time). My current one has a Treant out the from steps that I skip by every

Awhile back I had ordered my racing sim setup and it was going to take quite a few months to ship some of the core parts. So in the mean time I got absolutely sucked into Death Stranding and loved it. Then one day, while actually playing Death Stranding and enjoying some major plot-points, the racing rig arrived.

Bah, It’s Mobile-style Diablo, the restrictions are doing those regions a service by combing out exploitive trash. It’s a hype-riding inbetweener game leading up to the actual Diablo IV release, and likely has about as much merit as a mobile game created in tandem with a movie release.
Mobile games have their place but

Well, that made my day.

This turned out to be a lot of fun.
I have zero interest in Vampires, be it a character class, movie theme, etc; and I never found the teenage appeal that my friends did. So when this came up on steam store ads etc, it was just some game I’m never going to try without a second thought. A friend got me to try it out

I was thinking the same thing, a lot of street-work and city landscaping trucks run on propane which have the tanks behind the cabin.

In the rare case that I try doing some home deep frying, I use a small radius but tall steel soup pot. Having a small base it requires less oil to have things submerged, is tall enough to prevent splashes, and a little easier to manage the temperature since it can be deeper. I still hate every second of it, so is

Another thing that really shocks people when they have oil to such a high temperature is that it is far less viscous and splashes more like a pan of water than oil. When people panic and attempt to move a pan of oil it splashes around, and their first instinct can be to thrust it towards wherever they intend to

I split workloads with a guy that would just say that everything is “Fucked” and he would flick the ‘F’ sound so violently everyone in the meeting would flinch every time. On top of that, it was his blanket complaint during meetings regarding issues with a new proprietary software tool we had been testing. It was

After finally having time to do a real play-through, there is a lot going on here. I was put off by the seemingly small map; to me it felt like a large Settlers of Catan at first glance.
Did a full playthrough and started using the infiltration and trading. There is something of substance here, I honestly can’t tell

ahaaa good one. That series is actually on my reading to-do list.

Grabbed this over the weekend, opening thoughts was it felt like a very complete game for being early access. It’s clean, quick to learn, and I also really liked that they are going for their own look and not riding heavily on the back of the recent movie franchise.
One thing that feels like it falls short for me is

As far as the demo goes, these releases are more focused on tools. For those not in this industry, these parts of the presentations get glossed over easily, and people will tend to just get the “better graphics” part out of the whole thing. Where Unreal shines is the workflow and ability to block things out, I find

it’s more like America 1, Most of Canada 1, BC 0

BC has a ridiculous Crown Corporation Insurance monopoly. It’s the only province doing it, we hate it, it does nothing but screw us, it was intended to prevent price hikes and ironically is the highest priced insurance policies in Canada having no competition to deal

Yeah somehow I got triple confused on this one. I have the launchers for both Gaijin and Wargaming, get them mixed up regularly and misread the title in multiple ways, initially thinking it was referencing WarGame and still failing again while commenting. Didn’t realize “War Game” was referencing “A game about war”

Question on some specifics here:
Is this across all installs? For example, in order to play NA servers, you need an NA account and install. If you want to play EU servers, you need a seperate account and install. We ran into this issue in an old World of Warships stint where our discord has people that already had

Pretty sure throwing him into whatever iteration of Bethesda’s Creation Engine to try to pull the same result would be so soul sucking he’d hate every minute of it.

“I want Elden Ring for my birthday”
“We have Elden Ring at home already!”
Elden Ring at home:

While not necessarily as deadly, I get a laugh out of those Burger King mascot looking wizards that show up a little later on after Limgrave, I can’t unsee it. There is the occasional cheeky spell that has one-shot me, kind of like a shotgun of shards. At a distance it’s ok because as it fans out less shards hit you,