
Even when I was 6 I thought when other kids said “LEGOs” it was off.

The physics are at times damn terrifying when a forgotten beast flails a group of soldiers and their limbs (and each digit of finger) is accounted for in the massacre as their body parts fly off in a stream of gore.
I recently learned how intense fire gets too, I had a beast that blew fire attack the gates. We held up

The 3D factor was something that shocked me when I tried rimworld after, but very soon understood why rimworld works on a single plane.
There are I think about 512 layers of height or more in DF.
May I suggest to anyone wanting to try the current version of DF to look into Masterwork, a ui that allows you to pick

I have seen this film probably about 20+ times. I haven’t delved into the book yet and am aware there are a lot of differences. As a result, I am glad to hear that the weirding modules were a bazaar addition to the original because I was trying to wrap my head around how the upcoming film would make this not

I feel like there is a level of artistic choices that adjust opinions on the look of this, not just raw power. Do I appreciate the stability for some of the tech at work here? Yes.
Can I count the number of variations of images used for that constant wind effect on one hand? Also yes; it’s also spotty and a bit hokey.

My thoughts too, especially with the whole appearance of a blockade with the truck parked in the middle of the street. A guy just standing in the back cab already holding a pistol while the other guy has a shotgun? These fuckers couldn’t wait to get their murder on.

but his friend’s call him BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT.......vvvvmmmMMBBT!.

Perfect lighting, shot for shot.

By far the most heinous of fees. Unless they gave me a TV free with 3 year contract and I gotta pay back the remainder of the TV cost, getting hit with $300 for canceling in the first year is brutal.

Big simulator fan here, and this looks pretty legit!
Read a steam review from an alleged train operator who also hobbies with the Train Simulator series and apparently this game handles some of the more serious aspects like wheel slip which is non-existent in the Train Sim series. While the trains are more loosely

I ordered an LG 49" ultrawide, should be in any time from now till thursday.
I’ve been on work from home using a remote login to a linux machine, so I’ll be interested to see how this all works out. I have a small monitor mounted above that I use for side-tasks, chat channels, music etc which primarily is still running

I was wondering when Sesame Street would step in.
Remember that heart wrenching episode when one of the adult human cast died and they did an episode explaining death to Big Bird?
And there are plenty more heavy episodes as well, Sesame Street is capable of hitting some serious topics for children when left to it’s own

Or writers of Chernobyl just found a way to make a season 2.

Took a break from iRacing after obliterating my safety rating in some bad crashes. But last night I got right back into it racing car classes I don’t usually touch. The recent broadcasted (on NBC and FOX, imagine that) replacement races including a mix of real world and esports racers lit a fire under me again.

Yup, my secret lab Omega has been one of the best office investments, especially now that I am working from home. Had it for a year now, the foam is just as good as it was when I got it. I just recently started using the lumbar pillow because it my posture when working is sometimes very poor as I lean in a lot to

Civ probably has a hitler mod, most likely...its pretty easy to find nazi mods since they generally use pepe the frog as the steam workshop thumbnail. The mods are expectantly cringey, and likely also poorly done. 

I really like this take because I get the same feeling from a lot of Nazi oriented games. Where it sort of forgets that you are viewing history in a perceived realistic manner, it never had to pander to it in as you put it “knee slapping” fun with your fellow nazis.
Can you just imagine if Civilization had Hitler as

I like the look of this overall (semi-agree on headlights), the yellow seatbelts are really striking too. I doubt they keep that for the production version. Any little unique touches in those concepts seem to disappear from production models.

I agree fully with the smithing and Skyrim did come to mind. At no point do I think any of the weapons I make could possibly be more useful than what I have in any amount of time. It also currently feels like both an exploit and an economic flaw that I can get more money out of melting down weapons for their materials

Things I learned just yesterday after playing since day after release:
- once a vassal and eligible for Influence points, turn in prisoners to a town or castle dungeon instead of selling them. This provides massive amounts of influence. Generally 1 per regular, i think about half per looter, captured generals something