
I actually could not finish the video because this painful experience is too familiar.

The BattleTech kickstarter for a more extended expansion set after their surprising success of 2018's (19's?) september boxed set was just at the peak of their manufacturing phase in china, which got slowed down quite a bit. It seems they made it just in time though, so deliveries are understandably delayed but I

My steam friends list is flooded with a single game running: Mount & Blade: Bannerloard.
It took little thought for me to jump on board. Been anticipating it for quite some time and it really does fulfill that same feeling when I played the original as far back as 2008(?). There are a few bugs here and there but

Glad to see this blow up so much and so fast.
These guys started with something very ambitious for it’s time, the graphics were pretty janky back then but the game had so much charm everybody could see right through the budget visuals; It did exactly what it needed.
This game may not look triple-A, but I think for the

side note: I made Steak Neptune for lunch and it cost less than a subway footlong with the drink/chip combo to make. I even made my own damn hollandaise, not the powdered shit, the real stuff. I haven’t made anything like that in 11 years, ever since I stopped cooking for a living.

I stepped out to get a grocery run recently, I live right by a road that I regularly refer to as “a total shit-show”. I would normally stand on the corner waiting to cross while I walk to work and look at all the cars going both directions thinking “so many people going somewhere all the time, what if everybody was

EW theres gonna be a remake. I’m auto-not-feeling-it.

Nice! I got a buddy that does plenty of DIY stuff for his rig as well. I’ve been meaning to make a simple switch box for some features that I couldn’t get out of the buttons on the wheel. Built one before for flight sims, so this should be pretty standard work. good luck out there!

I also discussed this with my optometrist during a bi-annual macular degeneration checkup, not as much a concern but if she knew anything about it, and she had quite a bit to say about how the brain processes images. She thought it was pretty neat, and I was just glad I’m not due for a cat-scan.

I’ve experienced this through racing sims in VR. Especially the phone issue, I had problems looking at my phone for awhile (like a week) after a long haul of solely racing in VR. If I tilted my phone while reading a text I got vertigo, and at some point I almost knocked over a waitress carrying a bunch of plates

I’m considering negotiating 2 days of the week as WFH when this is over. I’m pretty independent when given a task and don’t need to always be in the office. Our new PCoIP system is working fantastically, the office is always overcrowded as we grow, and honestly I would love to be able to move away from the city to

I got into iRacing through a black friday promotion late last year and play it regularly with a sim pit that started as a free wheel from a friend, and transformed into basically the cost of a used car in my living room; no regrets.
Never thought I would like NASCAR, got really into it, they also followed along with

Normally in this game you can spectate and spot for your friends, in VR from multiple choices of camera, including bleachers. I watched my own replay after a race in VR, when it popped to a helicopter chase view I realized I was hovering above my car at full speed; it was enough to make me afraid to drop my phone and

like ‘Old Boy’ in a hallway with a hammer?

Mastadon fans: “sick.”
Pedants:”well actually they’re wo..” *punched

In my teens I got my first taste of 3D software messing around in the Valve Hammer editor (for first half-life). It taught me the use of navigating a 3D world and making things to specific sizes in orthographic windows. Most importantly it taught me lighting and render-baking which is what I have doing for a living

The Sonic figure itself is expectantly meh, just the way of lego fig proportions. But virtually every robotnik related piece is nostalgia-inducing goodness.

Seems everybody and their dog is getting it these days!

When the original came out, even at my young age I found the number of titles this movie had was gratuitous: Pokemon:The Movie: 2000 : Mew-Two Strikes Back.
and we now get a further extended name. Nice.
Jokes aside I realize this was a result of porting over to north america and they (american productions) can’t help

Nice find. Thanks!