
If you are referring to the differential in the rear, that’s pretty standard technology. If you meant turn as in steering control, no clue. I know there is also caster (not to be confused with camber) which sort of changes the angle of the steer on an adjusted axis to create a different kind of lean in the turn rather

Wow, they actually nailed the hokey 90's shaders look. Those metallics are spot on to the show.

Ipad on wheels sits in Times Square to raise awareness of a contagious illness by asking as many random people as possible to touch it.

Looks kind of like a First Person “open puzzle” game with a pretty different set of tools given to the player. I call it “open puzzle” because its not like your playing myst etc, your using acquired knowledge to get better at solving a task.
I had a lot of fun scrapping captured ships in Space Engineers, even so much

The most shocking part about these fallout ‘76 articles has been “fallout ‘76 players”.

That Green Tea Kit Kat is the only one out of Japan that I have gotten the opportunity to try, and it is so damn good.

Wow I just saw one of these for the first time last night on the bus, asking myself “who the hell buys custom winglets like that and slaps them all over the place?”; only to wake up to this article literally the next day. Those are ..stock?

Ok the pigeon net-cannon made me spew coffee at my office desk. They did NOT see that coming; honestly pretty funny.

Great, now they’ll be slapping “Quantum” on everything.
They are selling “Quantum Vacuums” which are disparagingly different from whatever wikipedia wants to tell me about them as a phenomena.

Having spent a winter addicted to a videogame about car production lines, I can attest to having branded an entire line of

lovely Cobra!

So prior to Gita’s comments on Quiet’s lack of rear, she wears it better than Quiet does.

Install the SSD I bought and am too lazy to put into the pc (tiny appartment, I almost got a hernia plugging a USB in the back a few days ago, not hyperbole**), also too lazy to transfer stuff over. So really my resolution coincides with “be less lazy for quality of life tasks that are simple when you are still

I did not know they sold and called that hat “iconic”, bloody hilarious.
Totally dated a waitress in the summer that basically dressed like Quiet, I only realized this now as I read this page; “the only person to get away with coming to work in her underwear”, as my fellow pub patrons put it. Even the utility belt

Is baby Yoda actually ‘the’ Yoda?
I automatically assumed it was just a baby of the same species like immediately because of the time frame. I haven’t seen the most recent episode so maybe I still am missing that reveal?

I had my volume cranked for racing and hadn’t taken the headphones off, nearly crapped myself from that autoplay.
Speaking of stressful games and racing. iRacing can go suck a fat one today, dear god I am shaking from a Formula Race, good fun but ugh sometimes I look like I have delirium trements after 35 laps. 

Ugh. Me.
“There was absolutely no need to explain what MS-Dos is, it’s not THAT .. aw man.”
And to think I blew my knee today doing literally nothing strenuous.

I hear if you look in the mirror and say three scientific inaccuracies he will personally flame you on twitter.

That Old Boy image at the end, Yes , Yes, YES!

And now, a product so riveting and obtuse that all your TV shelving is completely obsolete.. *wooosh*

Ahem, that aside, that Hellblade trailer was fantastic entertainment. I have never played the games and don’t play many console or adventure games, nor will this make me buy one just for this, but a big

Rookie Class NASCAR in iRacing is basically battle royal.