
“Hi, I’ll have a regular coff-”

barista: “anglaise!” *spits on counter

“aaalllrighty, I’ll just buy a tub of powdered shit from 7/11

Oh geeze, that one leads to a dark hole.
Like taking out more money to win your losses back in a casino.

I think I’m okay with this.
Every squad you meet is going to be some sort of group of 3 different characters with no particular “comp” as the skills are useful but not as important as the teamwork and ability to shoot and maneuver.
In general, if you aren’t going for headshots, you’re aiming for centre of mass at all

Ah yes, the ol’ “accelerate and honk the problem out of the way before impact”.
I usually see this with vehicles charging at others that are halfway through a parallel park. They usually had about 100 feet of space to stop.

Yet to know a person hit by a car that didn’t have the right of way.
It’s always been reckless, cell-phones, corner-cutting, missed stop signs/ rolling stops 10 feet past the sign.
Most of the people I know that have been hit, including myself (minorly) see the damn idiot coming at them too with not much time to react.

I can’t wait for the results on the influx of births resulting from “unprotected apocalypse sex”.

fucking perfect

Well you know, responsible gun-owners and all..
Excuse me one moment...
*pours gasoline on self and burns

It’s a ball of collected rocks, not a solid surface. It would be like drilling a barrel of rocks in micro gravity, hence their simulation of a collection of rubble. They need kinetic force to break the material otherwise they are just stirring a bowl of really dense cereal.

But it sure is going to brag about how close it got!

Exploration definitely takes a certain kind of player to enjoy.
It was cool to me for a bit but after awhile the monotony of jumping over and over starts to become fatiguing. If you are the kind of person that gets weird “interface dreams” (as I describe them) when they play a game too long and get a restless sleep,

Yup, I dismissed it entirely until people dragged me into it. They managed to put pressure on me simply out of “it’s free, you have no reason to not try and join us”. I play it more than they do now.

Ok I read ‘youth wrestling’ im thinking Teens boarderlining large men and their parents are really into it and get overly competitive. These were tiny children with parents screaming across the ring like payed coaches.

Coming soon:
“The game SO CONTROVERSIAL it got it’s spot on the Evo stream CENSORED”
Dead or Alive 6: UNCUT RAW Edition.
“Get ready to set the “age” slider to 110!” 
rated M for mature

Yup, all of this.
I really like this game so far.
The revival mechanics are great, the looting/upgrade pickup system prevents people from hovering over a box and comparing for too long (which newcomers like myself still did early on until we realize things are far more streamlined).
Did not know about the rangefinder,

I was in a car with a British kid and her mom, I think I remember it was like my boss gave me a lift with his family or something way back and I said “yeah I think he is just paying for the gas.” While we were waiting for him outside.
“Gas?” the child says,
“yeah, for the car.”
“like petrol?”
*laughs “mum they call it

I want a t-shirt that quotes the AI written Harry Potter chapter with the line:
Harry Potter, a man that thinks magic is good.”
Printed overtop of an image or Elijah Wood.

Did the google, was not disappointed.

I only ever played the PUBG Arma mod way back, DayZ, and more recently Escape From Tarkov (which is great, but get an Adavan prescription first, way too stressful). Also played a ton of Overwatch.
It was like pulling teeth for my friends when they tried to convince me to get Apex, I was needlessly resistant to this

I miss my old roomate, we had a PC in the living room that had an ongoing Civ5 game over a month. We would just leave it out like a passive chess board; if we where doing our own thing, one of us would swing by “its your turn btw” sometimes by txt if on the way home from work. Most of the time we would play coop