
This is probably the result of a license server going down on that particular frame. License servers going down is generally a pain in the ass that happens frequently, for me this usually means a failed frame and requiring a retry. If they had some system or impatient artist that got around this just to see the result

I know dual wield is not a thing in Apex, but considering how frequently you can find it, giving the Mozambique the ability to fire two at a time when both weapon slots are equipped with them would maaaybe be better. Maybe... like in the most dire “I looted this village and all I got was this shirt and a pair of

Wow, imagine if cigarettes took this much flak over the last 3 decades. Prime-times and the other flavored cigarillos were the equally harmful scapegoat then. Not that I care for Juul.
But lets be real and remember that teens smoking has and will always be a thing until smoking actually disappears.
What I really want to

I definitely despise patronage. There is people being nice and then there is being treated like you’re the mentally ill relative that your friend feels obligated to visit.
My brother actually offered to help me clean my house, this cleanliness problem literally rides along with the waves of how low I go mentally. When

This kind of knowledge is so surprisingly misunderstood.
As a person who has battled depression for a lifetime I am only recently having people approach me about it frequently. The caveat to this is that generally it is not a good interaction at all. I recently skipped out on a birthday binge-drinking get together

There is a Domino’s right next to my apartment... it’s convenience is some sort of sick joke played on me. In the summer, the ‘brand scent’ is virtually pumped into my home in all it’s vile consistency.

People need to talk to their store when they buy these things and not just take it out of the box. This sounds a lot like he probably had trouble getting it to work, kept holding down the button getting nothing and overheated it, blowing the battery. This poor guy had never used anything like it before either. Sort of

It looks so vile I was afraid to have it on my screen at work until I could read what it was.

You are probably the first person other than myself that I have seen refer to these as “War Crimes”. I thought I was alone, most people give me a “whoa dude, too dark” look; but seriously people, microwaving salmon is a

This breaks my heart. I saw the picture of that E30, sighed, saw the headline after, and was reminded. My families 84'-ish BMW was going to be mine when I turned 18, I learned to drive stick on it.
One day a drunk driver whipped around a corner and hit it while parked on the street. Threw it onto the sidewalk.

Oooh-chi Guild-Nav Style!

Mobile reactors, laser defense turrets; these guys are just sitting in the Pentagon playing Command & Conquer, occasionally flapping their hand to the monitor “See guys! Why don’t we have THAT!?

Yeah that would be the sun, and then due to the lack of other sources of light it has no fill light, hence the pure black shadows.
On photos of the ISS, you may notice that while it has the hard light of the sun shining on it, depending on where it is located in orbit you can see the light blue under fill that bounces

They get this description from Chef Boyardee?

Rain or Snow ‘till the truck says “No”.

Yeah, and I tend to especially build into the mountains so wall leakage is not as much of a problem for me as the main reason I use the airlock: a busy cook and harvesting workers will be going in and out of the door. Eventually auto-doors help but in exceptionally hot weather prolonged in-and-out of the fridge will

I’ll add that if you are in an area with exceptionally long or cold winters you can save power using a vent that leads to outside. Open the vent and turn off the air-conditioner to keep food at freezing without any power usage. Perfect for saving energy to heat the rest of the compound.

Getting a walk-in freezer is so deep into my first priority that it tends to happen before bedrooms. This is especially important if you have a warm climate area, food goes bad real fast. Making an airlock at the entrance helps in hot weather too, or when the power goes out.
A door preferably close to the

Agreed, this sounds like the results of shock.

Better than those on Richesse.

They really drive it home when they call it Planet X but also Planet 9 (IX). Just to remind us the X is a cool letter, not a roman numeral and that Pluto is being blatantly robbed of it’s title.