
I can’t wait to see what the James Webb Telescope brings to the table.

“You’re one hell of a team-mate on the beat, but you’re a god damn maverick, Hamburger Helper! I got the Mayor up my ass and three city blocks of burning cars to explain!”

My parents thought that game was “disturbingly life-like”.

I sold my 1200 M3D’s and Ecler Nuo2 mixer 8 years ago and I still shudder at the prospect of them being left in some kids closet, forgotten and misused.

I burned 5 days of solid downpour in the new X4:Foundations.
..and intend to burn more because these clouds just keep getting darker out there. It’s a good upgrade from X3 and it took the few good ideas from X:Rebirth while staying as far away as possible from what Rebirth was. Building stations is a lot of fun, and

Jesus. Did a little creepy girl crawl out of the screen after?

I always thought the “dark side” misnomer came from it being referred to as “radio dark”. Astronauts would not be able to communicate with Earth when passing around, at least back when we were doing that.
However, some Pink Floyd infested google searching not only failed to get me any result mentioning this definition,

See this is the problem for me.
I deactivated my account a few years ago and one day my friend says to me “so your back on Facebook, hey?”, which was a surprise to me.
As soon as I logged in to Soundcloud at the time, it just auto-reactivates the facebook account without prompting. This would apply with other apps too.

This almost makes it better, because now it’s like a sleezy craigslist ad.

Also, didn’t the Russians already successfully initiate the emergency abort just recently?
(im gritting my teeth with this one, people. But I reallly can’t hold it in any longer)

Sign at theme park:
Do not ride if pregnant.

Ad from NASA:
Looking for pregnant woman to launch into space.

The asteroid field mining operation looks fantastic. Considering how they all link from asteroids to mining ships,I feel like a good way to cover up the supports would be to make the ones attached to mining vessels be red glowing beams; with a florescent orange fish-tank-safe paint perhaps.
Other than that I still see

*pulsing synth bass
The year is 2145: Mars has been transformed into a prison colony.
With gravity at one third that of Earth and a 51-mile wide ice rink, extreme gladiatorial ice combat on Mars is the entertainment of the future.
As their one chance of leaving the cold red planet. 
Prisoners must...Face off...

Yeah I’m sure that statement of “safely slowing the vehicle” was the intention of the cops jumping into the ditch like a bunch of teens setting off home-made fireworks.

Well, that spacewalk showed me that a frustrated Sergei Krikalev would stab the shit out any bullshit robot and leave it to die with it’s outer insulation skin horrifically torn asunder. They had to keep it on the down low, it’s robot prime time in that time slot.

This is basically the mad device that strangled Thomas Midgley.

I do actually relate to it.
But I stopped taking antihistamines 15 years ago simply out of being tired of taking them and put up with it until eventually things just changed. Not saying that quitting the meds helped or not, my chemistry just changed eventually. Used to be miserable and my parents always made me cut the

“heart failure with an ejection fraction of 20%, bioprosthetic aortic-valve replacement for bicuspid aortic stenosis, endovascular stenting of an aortic aneurysm, and placement of a permanent pacemaker for complete heart block.”

“Did you try giving the patient LSD?”

..sinus-related quality of life.
“How’s life been, Joe?”
“Well I lost the house in the divorce and my career is in shambles. But my sinuses have been smooth sailing all month!”