
Is that Master Cheif in the far-left background? Or Doom Guy.

Wait wait wait. HOLD UP.
Chicken of the Sea is a brand? I know the expression in regards to tuna but did not know it was a straight up brand.
[I will now proceed to read the rest of this article]

And I just only recently found out they actually do use down from geese for the jackets. I am rife with confusion; RIFE, I say!

It was a Canvas shortage after Bethesda cleaned out the market. Some players may spawn with nylon fatigues and equipment.

Last new year’s “get in shape in time for summer” plan fell through pretty bad. However, I cut out sugar in February, walk to and from work every day (about an hour of walking as fast as I physically can in work clothes), and went from ~170lbs to 156lbs by august. Then I started going to the gym with a personal

Sometimes you start your day realizing “hey, it’s rainy, I got the day off. Lets get a pot of coffee on and play some Eve!”
Logs in.
Casual jump to next system...
aaaand you just got suicide ganked in 5 minutes.
“...on second thought, the Pub is open. I’m going to drink now.”

If they fix it they lose their Youtube ad revenue. This bridge prints money.

NASA project Art Directed by folks directly involved with Homeworld franchise.

(zooms out of city to map mode: classic homeworld BVUMMMM ensues)


Up next on Gizmodo:
British Cops are building an AI that controls Taser-Spiders raiding your home. 

That model turned out way bigger than I expected. Pure awesomeness.

That model turned out way bigger than I expected. Pure awesomeness.

“Hey look at all this bat-shit crazy state-funded propaganda they watch in North Korea”
*Sees Fox

Hearts of Iron 4. Only got it recently and basically stuck trying to defeat Germany as the Soviet Union. Probably taken about 7 swings at it, getting better and better at holding that line, but they always manage to sprout through a leak and overtake the country. I guess historically I am supposed to keep slowly fallin

Came for mention of Godzilla and P.Diddy’s Kashmir, was not disappointed.
Stating that the soundtrack was the movie’s biggest footprint is the sweet sweet fruit of my confirmation bias.
Saying “oh shit, I love the Godzilla soundtrack” whenever Kashmir happens to play on the classic rock radio station is my most

Thanks for taking the time to provide your insight.
And yeah, in 2008 I burst into tears at my desk in a class when I couldn’t figure out how to extrude a polygon. It can feel pretty crazy jumping into a new medium and being hopeless all over again. But we all learn; my classmate was a then 45-year old ex-Special

What I mean is that I have never been good at getting found photography to mesh together well. The placement of perspective etc, I lose self-direction. I’m also just simply terrible at photoshop and cannot paint on a tablet the same as I do on paper, would love a cintiq; cant justify the cost for personal use.

A friend of mine has been drastically improving his own concept art using that photo technique. I was always uncomfortable with it; sometimes can feel difficult seeing the bigger picture with an ugly mash of photos, but so many people pull it off so well.
Take note of the detail elements and how the image is usually

Interesting, I remember my 1200's had that little ground-wire fork which clearly this model does not come with. I did a tiny bit of reading: the phono pre-amp can be turned off but then you lose the grounding because it runs through there. So a ground needs to be built into it to clean up the signal when disabled.

Interesting, I remember my 1200's had that little ground-wire fork which clearly this model does not come with. I

I was looking at that, I thought the pre-amp was an optional switch.
But if that is the case, a real shame.

I was looking at that, I thought the pre-amp was an optional switch.
But if that is the case, a real shame.

For the $110 it looks pretty good. Have not tried it myself though.
I am glad all of these still have their standard RCA outs and are not strictly USB.

For the $110 it looks pretty good. Have not tried it myself though.
I am glad all of these still have their standard

I like this terminology.
Was uncomfortable saying “clone”, especially since Audio-Technica is one of my go-to brands for good commercial-grade and mid-range.

I like this terminology.
Was uncomfortable saying “clone”, especially since Audio-Technica is one of my go-to brands