
I found the asymmetrical portion, especially that corporation is face down and all runner cards are face-up great for teaching people that have never played and not having to fully read the rules.
The teacher plays as corporation, and can always legally read the runners cards. I play a round as corp, sometimes two

Just went through all my cards and cross referenced the removed data packs with the allowed cards in the new starter box.
I gotta say, I managed to keep my most sensible cards, and lost the ones that I felt had been overpowered. Quite a bit of thought went into this transition, I’m no pro and would not win an argument

Ok ouch I just realized that a good portion of my decks consist of Spin Cycle and Genesis. That just made finding a tourney group a lot harder or at least delayed.
Flush that money down the toilet, those cards got used about 3 times.

Omg people still care about netrunner, THANK GOD.
I am stuck forcing my girlfriend to play this with me (she is pretty good too). I dont know anybody else in my city that plays this.
The nearby hobby store had an amazing variety I had to stop myself from spending over $400 on expansions, and yet they dont have netrunner

Not sure of the validity of this but the nature of the squadron checks out with the aircraft.

Winning a bet on pounding down 2 ounces of Mad Dog 357 Magnum hot sauce still doesn’t give you intestinal worms.
But yeah, bacteria-wise, my body is pretty good at handling it.

I had to deal with this situation as a male to a male roomate.
He tried to make Civiche and bragged about “doing no research” beforehand and just winging it.
In honesty, it looked great and everything was done right up until the actual fish used. He grabbed some random fish from the store and the actual packaging had a

Yeah I had a Yellow Chung-li I think, and especially as a kid, absolutely sure she is blue. So I assumed she was like her sister or some weird idea.

I definitely had those too! I recall barely being able to tell who they were and only now do I understand why. The springy elastic-held articulation on those action figures was great for making them do sick round-house kicks to eachothers faces.
They fit perfectly in the crash-test-dummies car; resulting in

This image is like A Beautiful Mind but it turns out to be real in the end.

So it’s a radio drama.

The sheer weight of this man’s balls prevents the car from rolling over.

I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and tried their lunch buffet thing. They have the saddest attempt at tofu curry. I figured, ok there is no chicken right now I can go for tofu.
Basically designed around the concept of anybody that eats something that is potentially too spicy could be hurt or something,

After a week binge returning to Factorio to try the new features I am managed to get a nuclear power plant set up and burned through a good chunk of the re-worked research tree. Great game, good changes over the last year.

My buddy just messaged me that it is Dwarf Fortress season approaching. (We have a strange habit

and an umbrella hat, he needs to wear a metal-wired umbrella hat.

When your filming of nearby lightning has a metal apparatus framed in it throughout the duration of the shot...
I’m surprised it didn’t strike that thing on the left but it probably was not as grounded as what I think was the gutter drain-pipe on the side of the house.
The wooden deck probably saved that guy’s life.

Not days, hours. Most food poisoning incidents are actually from poor hand washing after using the washroom (yeah...let that sink in) and not cross contamination. Essentially fast food employees dont always have proper food certification (FoodSafe, ServingItRight etc) and washing hands is surprisingly poor for many

Came here for this.

So is this “Queen” an implied new character on the way?
I dont pay attention to the community much for this game so not sure if that was known already or not. The camera on the empty throne while she announces herself, and the mention of her in the short all seem to point in that direction without having to read

That guy’s racing suit..
“OH geeze, dont look.”
“huh? oh ffs its Greg. What a jackass.”
Of course this guy with the penthouse suite wears a $500 racing suit while he fishes. Then goes home and edits time remapped footage of himself to the “Inception Baaaa” and some metal on Sony Vegas.