
I really like the whole nightclub scene you could add. I noticed however that after an issue with not having enough graveyards and crematoriums that the lack of hearses available to pick up the dead exposed a serious problem that I believe may be attached to my recreational use policy. The night club areas were

Excited for DCS: F-14, Luke?
You should be.
I’ve been refreshing kotaku all day, and this is just what I was looking for.

I wreck my apartment playing this game and come out a sweaty mess. An hour of this game is basically a weird leg-day from all the ducking behind counters.
My ceiling is stupid low so my hand controllers have white paint marks all over them from me punching the ceiling. I gave my neighbors advance notice that I am not

Who the hell “gets into” bobsledding?
“Hey bro, I’m thinking of setting up a bobsledding team. You know, for fun on the weekend.”

I definitely recall renting it over and over again trying to beat it and never did. I think I had been getting it for the SNES, that was a thing right? Was it the same? I remember “What the Heck”, and the most memorable level was when you are a flying worm with classical Beethoven(? I know the song but I cannot

Internet. The Gosh darn.
Spelling. Not my best. Trait.
Twitter was. A bad. Choice.

I think we may have stumbled on a new form of poetry.
I call think I’ll call it Hick-ku.

Tried this last night. Plays a lot like banished but it seems more feature complete. Adorable visuals (the clouds!) and everything is very clear and easy to identify. The dragon gives me a good laugh up until things are on fire.

Those of us able to tell it apart are also probably too nice or don’t care enough to call it out. Lately I have been swinging between just ignoring it to outright saying “this is fake as shit/ was taken and edited from ____”
The latter always ends up in a backlash about me being an asshole for pointing out anything

I’ll agree with air pressure. I am prone to ear-aches on altitude changes, even going up a large hill in a car. More so as a kid, now I just get a pop.
Thunderstorms are rare where I am (1-2 per year), but I can ‘feel’ them coming. Generally this is exciting for me, I like being able to call it on a thunderstorm. I’ll

Wait till this turns into the movie they show our kids in social studies class to teach about 9/11. Charlie Sheen spends the duration of a national tragedy in an elevator while Woopie Goldberg narrates history; and the main intended heart-wrenching disaster of the film is the elevator falling in the end (I presume).

My girlfriend is rolling her eyes at me right now. I have virtually everything I need to do this. My keyboard at work also belongs in a dumpster headed towards the sun...
side note. “...paint some miniatures... Get back into Warhammer” echoed in my head for far too long after reading that line.

GPS guidance too. They can follow paths, return, and land exactly where it took off from. I know a few guys using them for filming tons of commercials now too, big ones with full-blown cameras, but in operation are generally similar to the consumer grade.

It was a poor way of telling us they found life in the galaxy, but the numbers seem accurate.

That suit has some great craftsmanship; I would wear that thing every damn day. The shield is pretty cool too.

I’m pretty sure we’ve seen several videos right here on Jalopnik of cops running over people that stole purses.
I dont have evidence of that, but im pretty sure I’ve seen it here in some form or another.

Art is subjective, CGI art is incredibly subjective.
For people used to a certain look, any change will likely feel worse.
It looks like they removed a non-shadow casting upwards pointing directional which was probably used to fake bounce lighting. It’s an old dirty trick that is far cheaper than global illumination

Those were the days..

No amount of transcendance has helped me figure out what to do with this bag of chicken feed. I even got the corn-based!

We get it, NASA, you vape.

I know the kotaku crowd may be less interested in the flight sim community compared to the usual big-title releases that is the centre stage of E3, but I really wish I could be there strictly for the Thrustmaster booth, which will be hosting DCS’ (digital combat simulator’s) F/A-18 Hornet module which is due to be