
Can they give me unlimited minutes blowing into a wrigleys gum wrapper?

For guys: Having been in an office job for 10 years now and neglecting exercise other than walking to work every day my core has taken a serious effect into my health.
Heads up dudes, if it gets weak enough, your intestines start to fall into your scrotum. Generally this is a lower abdomenal thing, but the core

Im virtually only thinking of T2 and the MiniGun scene.

I wonder if killer robots just think of mowing down scores of humans like operating a hedge trimmer..
“oops, missed a spot..” VVVVVVVBBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTTB!!!!!

I’m just cold and gassy now.

I remember when I was young and hot, emanating infrared light.

Another mechanical.
I dont understand the appeal on these things, is it just because they can say “it’s a mechanical” ?
I know alot of people that vape, and I get two types:
- The kind that vape with me on our smoke breaks. We may talk about flavours..
- The kind that doesnt shut up about vaping, mods,coils, their sick

I guess those pilots are drift compatible..
eh? eh?!

Haven’t played Minecraft in over a year and I still love seeing these.
I was definitely experimenting with all of the above shaders on my last play.
Was never a fan of the high-res textures though, I actually intentionally went the other way with almost cartoony simplified /flat paneled texture packs. Mixed with depth

Glue the glass on last after painting it, or even better, dont use glue for the glass. Use a tiny dobs of tacky so as to be able to easily remove the glass any time to show off!

Clippers to remove the pieces from the sprue, a nail file (the little cheap cardboard ones do fine) to soften the edges down. For long edges

Despite this, I actually found it very interesting that they added portions of WWI that they dont really teach much in Western Education.
They knew a France expansion would probably sell better than ‘The Italian Front’, and the base game would have more diversity in maps when including the Ottoman Empire.
I think they

This weekend I tried out War Thunder on the CV1 at a friends place.
Gotta say it was bloody fantastic. That price tag though..
I cannot rationalize spending that kind of money despite how much I already have invested into my little sim-pit.

Seated flight sims like DCS and Elite : Dangerous are all I was excited for with these headsets. I never saw the whole standing experience coming, nor did I understand how VR was gauged by these games.
I guess there is a large group looking for that ‘holodeck’ experience, where I was just a TrackIR user that wanted

This is some damn good Star-Destroyer porn.

These stills are mostly rendered in Vray so not exactly real-time friendly models or shaders, but you are still right. 10 years things are going to be nuts, just like they are now compared to 10 years ago.

I saw a minor clip of this a few days ago I thought it was taken from a Mountain Dew commercial. Cant beleive that is real.

Telemetry data showed the navigation system began producing a long stream of Friedrich Nietzsche quotes before unfolding all of it’s systems and embracing sweet oblivion. Turning it’s once perceived construct into a smear of randomly allocated matter. While forever an homage to metaphysical nihilism, the probe failed

Unfortunately, wackadoo bullshit is the theme of 2016 in it’s entirety.

Is that... Xena: Warrior Princess near the top?

I like breaking down that phrase..
He tells it like it is.
He tells it -as if- it is.
He -says- it -as if- it is.
He says it as if it where true.