
If a person has the desire to throw in the extra syllable they could at least say “new-clee-are”.
Sad fact I found somewhere.. the usage of ‘nucular’ is so common place that people working in nuclear engineering say it that way.

Somebody at Getty is super stoked somebody finally used their “poop on the sidewalk close-up” stock photo. That must have been an interesting search in the office.

And then in the end of the movie. The ship fires an $800k round through binoculars of the enemy while he looks through it.

That part where the capsule falls off...
“Oh hey look the capsule is still in one piece!”

Fully agree on all points here.
I also have a big fear of them going Full F2P. The game has been very good about not oozing with money sinks or having some convoluted currency tiered system (think warthunder/tanks/of warships, with a copper, silver, premium-gold money system)
I am also very glad they are opening the

Yes you can still do this.
Many active mid-late game players can actually maintain their sub’s for free quite comfortably.
I am able to currently buy about 3 months of free subs with in-game money. Just got back into it last month. For now im just paying the sub because a 3-month sub is $12 per month. The discounts are

The proportions on these suit’s are perfect. Clearly smaller but more realistic. The armour looks mobile and functional. I find space marine iterations in the games and tabletop models to be ridiculous at times, the sculpts generally only work for the pose, animated characters tend to lose their badass feel when you

Cyber-Violet. I feel a synth-wave album name coming...

So is OwnedCore a pontificate mass of kids with Dunning-Keller syndrome?
Or is it a cult run by game-hackers that make money off of the aforementioned mass and whenever they are threatened they toss inspirational battle quotes from Alexander to rally their crazed masses?

kinja has totally destroyed whatever I wrote after that.
Went to fix it and its just garbage html bundled together..
In short, nice write-up and something something dwarf fortress whatever I was talking about in that blank comment above.

Oh he meant Early Access. This took me too many hours of research to realize he was not talking about Electronic Arts.

another mid-game finishing touch is concrete paths in high traffic areas.
These look hidious to your colonists, save it for ugly rooms like stockpile access and that speed route from the front door to the defenses. Concrete gives maximun walk speed.

You are correct about making sure to exclude placing food in the original stockpile; the colonists are generally going to throw it to the closest one . As you get later into the game you will find yourself refining the stockpiles down to more specific groups. But early on the ideal stockpiles would be:

You are underestimating the importance of a good cook.
When doing the 3-man start:
-At least 2 people need to be able to shoot
-1 decent cook capable of learning more (the fire logo next to their stat means they are willing to learn more. If they dont have that the stat is locked, essentially.) If the cook is the one

These are all so important I cant beleive none of them are in the initial article. But I think he wanted us to debate the strategies for ourselves.

Just make sure you get Geothermal or something going, those Hydroponics alonside the Sunlamp required suck up a ton of juice. If you lose power to them, the plants die fast. Solar flares are a big hazard.

It is nice because you can make walls around ventilation leading to outdoors without accidentally getting a roof. Great when you worry about people just cutting in through the refrigerator room.