
Last night I continued a good round that has been lasting about a week with few serious hitches going unsolved (I thank the pirates that brought sniper rifles and then failed to use them when they walked point blank into a turret together; those guns worked great against the crashed mechanoid ship. Thanks bro’s)

Since this is Adequate Man, I was already laughing at the headline before I read the article assuming whats coming next. To my surprise you did not mention the terrifying effects that can ensue if you don’t wash your hands when not using gloves ...moments before using the washroom. Back in my old kitchen days, a few

My inner Captain Obvious/Oblivious to Sarcasm is triggering so hard right now. It’s almost as bad as the time I saw the “What if Zelda was a girl” T-shirt.

Almost every game's patch notes comes with a refreshing batch of hate-mail. The less I participate in game related forums where a community is in contact with devs, the more I tend to enjoy games. I also find this interesting because from time to time there will be an article "internet blows up over _____ game

WWII, Italy’s farm infrastructure was devastated. After the war the leftover tanks/hardware/scraps are strewn about. Lamborghini (the person) started a business of building tractors from the scraps to help the farms get back on their feet. Then something something luxury cars happened.
[I somehow had to re-write this

They started by making tractors.
To keep the story short, after WWII Italy’s farming infrastructure was laid to waste and there where military vehicle scraps all over the place. Lamborghini (the person) made a business of converting all the leftover military hardware into useful tractors to get the country back on

Ages 12-16. How DARE they think they needed to add a maximum age!
I want to be sitting in the middle of the living room in a pile of bits, facedown in the instructions NOW!
I really wish I had kids to legitimize every getting to you know, play with it.
Verbally making digging and engine sounds and all.

You would be right, its marked as passive.

After seeing the ostrich. I can accept this, just like I learned to accept the feathers. When I was a kid the feathers seemed so dumb and I prayed it was not so. Now I think they are kind of badass.

I have actually gone through the mental process of weighing out pros and cons of taking a French class and your summary is pretty much exactly how I worked out whether it was worth it.
I realize it would probably be worthless.

Man, if you're gonna take your escape to an open field, at least make it a hilly one so the cars can go flying off ramps and roll upside down, setting eachother on fire in a cascade of explosions. Maybe we can bet on the possibility he was being chased for stealing a copy of GTA so that he could do better next time. I

Was on the trans-Canada in a rental car in BC. By friend was driving and eventually it became night time. We had headlights but they kept fading out or not going far, my friend made an attempt to get light by turning on the highbeams (we didn’t want blast high-beams that but that seamed the only choice) but they

Love the touch of dust on the pad for effect.

That headline gif is giving me hours of entertainment tricking my co-workers.
“Whats wrong with this picture?”
“Ok, I gotta tell you that’s a toy, not a guy on a surfboard”
“Whaaaaaat!" *bursts out laughing as its so obvious after.

“Don’t worry, once we get the dubstep in this will all gel quite nicely."

People that don’t use push to talk also apparently eat endless wet foods, have a breathing disorder, and all own mechanical keyboards. It drives me insane.

and civ 4 came out in 2005.... 11 years ago... I recall playing since CivII.
Still cant resist that next turn.

heh, good memories.
Those whistling nerf darts are fantastic too. When you have a gun that works well those things whistle over your head while your ducking behind your desk during a sudden attack from animation department.

While I don’t have anything against deep breathing, as it does help reduce stress. Something about if you are breathing fast shallow breathes you are generally in some sort of danger so will be naturally stressed and if you are capable of taking deep breathes you are likely in a safe place. Some nature shit like that.