
I always though that would be really cool to have those between sky scrapers to add a little self sufficiency to towers.

I wondor about those, I would imagine those would be more likely to tangle like a seagul or something easily but also be more visible and likely avoided. But again, birds find a way to kill themselves on virtually anything we make. I think the technology used is dependent on the conditions. I think those vertical

Not really, similar to how a wing gets lift, or how a motorized prop lowers the pressure in front of a plane and increases it behind the prop to create forward motion. If a blade is getting motion out of the air pressure in front of it, the energy is put into the turbine. The pressure behind the blade radius is lower

Also. The video covers the cost and safety reasons beyond that. Especially the torque.

The problem actually got worse as the structure designs got taller unfortunately. These would have to be astronomically larger and just probably create larger torrents and pressure changes. As well as probably just not being very useful. It may not look like it but the blades are generally the size of 747 wings. The

(since I couldn’t edit for some reason) Correction, the barotrauma was not restricted to the brain but in bats it also caused the lungs and other organs to bleed internally. Essentially the pressure shift gave them 'The Bends'.

Slightly off topic, but 10 years ago I was helping my Dad dig through research done on the relation to bird and bat deaths from wind turbines. The info we found was surprising, we just needed to find statistics to prove to a local community. Aside from finding out that birds are really good at finding ways to die, we

This guy would be a rockstar at dev-jams/game-jams whatever people call them wherever they are. A few teams of about 5 people each bust out a game in a single sitting and compare completion.

Reading this makes it feel so close. Then I realize we are talking galaxies orbiting galaxies.
It’s like some bacteria in my gut just found out there is another person in the office down the hall that wasn’t there before. Except that the analogy is still astronomically under-scaled.

The first episode, like many shows, has to pitch a lot of information to you. I find it the most awkward one after rewatching every time I show it to a friend. It definitely gets better. Enjoy.

After watching the vid, I read every comment in that accent as if it was the folks at the local gas station talkin about it.

I just realized Mon Mothma..
“Many Bothans died getting us this information”
When she was giving intel on the death star in a new hope.

oh perfect! As the hawk baby flies into the sunset the music is cut with a gunshot and a spray of feathers.
“Good one, dear! Lets go get going, your mom’s got dinner ready”
*Roll Credits

“Piper tells the wordless story of a young sandpiper bird being taught the ways of the food chain by its mother. “
Then out of nowhere they pull a Bambi and the mother gets snagged by a hawk and we all freak out “Pixar, how could you!”
The Hawk takes her to its younglings and they tear her to shreds before our eyes,

My first thought: He might wanna wash that water bottle before he drinks from it...

I think its the sound that gets to me.

This is one of the most common practices in 3D animation. And it is directly a result of 2D animation styles. Making comic book poses requires putting existing parts of a 3D model that would in 2D not ever exist since it is off the page or out of view and never drawn.. somewhere. Animators use 2D techniques and for

Airplane says "retard". Twitter explodes.

Guitar Hero was good for making the walls crawl/melt if you played too long.

I made it to the bottom....
“I am rather inclined to believe that this is the land God gave to Cain”

Im on the fence now as to whether it is better to educate these people, or more entertaining to keep this running.