
I wish this was around when I had a former roommate screaming at me that she just got breast cancer. I was like “omg im so sorry, when did you find out?”
“I fell asleep with my phone on my chest”

She never went to the doctor, she just decided to freak out about her phone being close to her when she went to bed, and

...and anything that involves the use/misuse of the word "Quantum".

I cannot stand when people try to push the vague laws they read on the internet when it comes to public indoor vaping vs smoking.
I used to smoke and now vape, I will never do it inside. I take the opportunity to go to the smoke pit/ outdoors wherever others smoke as I always have. If there isn’t an ashtray, I wont

We’ve been friends for 12 years. Its more like a sisterly frustration, she blurts out stupid things. But she has not been nice lately and has always been ‘bored of nerds’ so has definitely been doing the whole “do you have a car?” thing. hah..haaah.. oh man it’s so true. God I need to start making fun of her for a

A close friend of mine is always buttering me up on finding dates etc. However when I talk to a friend of hers (a gf of another friend) she tells me that my aforementioned friend keeps dumping guys because they are too much like us (myself and my guy friends) and they are too nerdy, so not because they seem too

I like to think of a game price like buying a $20 15-case of beer.
On a Friday to Saturday I would probably finish 10 of those beers and then have enough to have one can per day after work during the week.
In that short amount of time I would consider a game that gives me several weeks worth of entertainment to be

GoPro: Saving forensics teams their time since 2006.

The last photo leaves me imagining him shouting “O’Doyle Rules!” moments before taking a steam catapulted aircraft nose-cone to the chest.
Jokes aside, great article.

It’s insane.
And I came home with a GTX970 yesterday. I have spent too much money on game related stuff and yet still have not spent enough on the games themselves. Deserts of Kharak is next for sure. I just cant justify any purchases for a bit...(i’ll break, trust me).
I had completely forgotten about the arrival of

I think I said similar last time, but another round of Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) A-10c.
One change, I finally got my Thrustmaster Warthog replica joystick, trackIR, MFD panels (the buttons that go around the targeting screens which you can tack onto a second monitor and render the target screens in that space,

The price-tag surprises me but I am very excited to see where this goes and how deeply they refine how the vessels are controlled. I haven’t paid any attention to their community yet, I wonder if they intend to implement or at least if their is clamour for crew on board to run around doing things and a task such as

It’s missing Dwarf Fortress, where another category called “Fun” is added after Hard Fun and the game is place on an erratic curve rather than a point which rides low on the excitement level and then suddenly blasts to the top for a brief moment before crashing to the bottom again while you are in tears over the

Excited to read DF article.
Reads DF laced work of art that embodies my everyday struggle as the wheels of time grind to the last stretch before hitting 30 and a new form of reality takes precedence.
Coincidentally I was playing DF last night and had these very thoughts, at the moment I was a bit stuck as to what to do

Dwarf Fortress because I finally got the 2014 version of the Masterwork mod package and boy does it run well (but the most recent version of Vanilla DF is very unstable).
Also getting back onto DCS A-10C, I am about to give DCS 2.0 a spin to see how poorly it runs before I upgrade my vid card next weekend to see it in

I was thinking the exact same thing. Never seen dents like that on the nose of that particular aircraft (and I’ve seen them with a lot of dents haha)

Probably could have sub-divided that sphere a few times before printing it. Game shaders have some satisfying ways of making low poly geo appear round. Either way, great model and the panel look gives it character.

We can only hope Justin's role is a brief moment as a replicant prostitute being shot in the back as he flies through about 8 walls of glass in ultra slow motion.

I was planning to get my new PC after a massive cheque that is on it’s way. I had “saved” for an oculus by putting $300 aside and the “remaining $75-100” or so will come out of whatever I have then.
PC was going to be about $2300 CAN with a GTX 970.
Not only are the requirements looking grim for decent games (Oculus

If piracy becomes less of an issue the glory days of modding could return. It is getting better with things like steam-workshop but its not great. For the most part those mods are adding models or animations etc in a modular pre-determined "now you can add your own sword" manner, deeper modding will just break game

Same here!
I always assume this stuff is obvious. The magic is sort of spoiled for me in some ways and in others I’ll be thinking “Wow! I love how they did that explosion.” or “Hey that was pretty good for what was obviously a sprite!” and “damn, dat spec bro.”
Through the whole beginning of this vid I was chanting “its