
Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but exception to the Hatchback/Crossover rear wiper would be Tesla. The Model S is a hatchback and the X is a Crossover neither of which have a rear wiper. but it might be apart of your classism argument - the price of the vehicles does put it outside the means of most people.

Hopefully the previous owner doesn’t read this and think “all it took was 50 bucks and a couple hours of my time to get it to start? Shit.”

What the actual fuck? How terrible are some people?

I’m not great at parallel parking but this is outright ridiculous. There is an NJ plate on that Accord, and I know parallel parking was on the driver’s test when I took my NJ test years ago. Maybe an older driver?

“By topping your fuel tank off, it can either overwhelm your evaporative system and break something or cause a hazardous leak by the excess pressure in the system,” says Ed Nemphos, owner of Brentwood Automotive in Baltimore, who adds gas needs extra room to expand in the tank.

I used to drive a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am GT. I had been stationed in Hampton, Virginia and drove up to Baltimore Comic Con 2009 to see my girlfriend and hang out. When the convention was over, we headed back to Hampton. Instead of taking the highway we decided to take the byways of Maryland and Virginia. A few hours

Have a 14 year old Jetta, basic maintenance and 151k on the clock. Still going strong.

Unpopular opinion, but I do like the look of the new Civic, including the Type-R. The Civic finally looks different than every other beige-mobile out there and it looks like the designers at Honda are having fun with the design. The design has made me actually consider buying a Honda, and I have never had that thought

For me it’s my girlfriend’s 2003 Jetta. In the beginning I disn’t like it because it was too small and gutless. I had an 09 Impala SS, so going from that to her Jetta was rough. But, I took my drivers test in that car to get my license back (old one expired and I had changed states) and I enjoy doing basic

I agree, especially when posted by Akbar himself!

I read that if you are a current owner and ordered a Model S or X before 5/19, you can get unlimited Supercharging, without a referral code.

I used to work at a Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Ram dealership in Hampton VA. We were located in a lower income area, so we sold a ton of Chrysler 200s and Jeep Patriot/Compass’ and Libertys because they always had deep factory discounts and financing deal. So many people came in and were so upside down on their current

Possibly unpopular opinion, but this Benz sounds better than the Benz from earlier today:

I’m sorry that these car owners had to go through the craziness that is their children, but damn I got a good laugh out of all it.

“Just placed my order. Today will be the last time I will be dropping off the kids late for soccer practice, those other soccer mom bitches Cayenne eat my dust!”

I wonder how dealerships feel about Carvana and other online car dealers. Clearly that is more of a threat, yes? As part of Tesla’s mission, they would rather educate the public on the advantage of an all electric vehicle and move towards sustainable energy. Some below made the Apple/Best Buy reference, and that is

soon to be on Craigslist: Used Corolla, ran when parked, slight roof damage, no tire flippers, I mean kickers. I know what it’s worth.

I never enjoyed the old hosts of Top Gear. I tried watching a couple episodes and could never make it more than a few minutes. I watched the first season of the new hosts snd liked all 6 episodes, but haven’t seen the new season without Evans.

Not getting pissy about being stopped. I’ve seen some peope get totally bent out of shape just because they were stopped. “But everyone else is going just as fast!” Yes, but it was you the cop decided to pull over. Maybe you have a conspicuous car, maybe you have a tail light out. Just sit quietly, let the officer

Didn’t work for me when I was in. 73 in a 45 in San Antonio (military city). Cops was not a very nice guy. Lucky I didn’t lose my license for nearly 30 over.