
This. With the Tripwire games fiasco less than 24 hours behind us, Kotaku has already proven they can’t maintain anything even vaguely resembling a stance.

This. Do not give this asshole another cent. The devs that work for him will find jobs elsewhere. Blacklist this fucker. Make it painfully clear that if anyone hires him or he starts another company, you boycott them too. It can’t stop here -- absolutely nothing of consequence has been accomplished yet, it’s just a

Yeah, I was afraid of that. Remedy does great storytelling (at least with regard to Quantum Break and Control) but their actual gameplay, even in its most recent, refined form, is kind of iffy. I’m almost certainly going to buy all the Control spin-offs / sequels and probably most other stuff they make in the future,

Tell that to the 70-something year old Rabbi who wrote a response to the law where he stated there are circumstances where Judaism does not only support but requires a woman seek an abortion. I have a strange feeling he is far better read, informed, and vastly more experienced when it comes to these issues than you

Considering it never should have been a legal issue? Yes.

Maybe that was my problem with it? I remember getting repeatedly killed during an early section (I tried playing it for the first time probably 6 months ago, after finishing Control) and saying “hell with this” in the end. Sure, I could have toughed it out or looked up a walkthrough or something, but I just hadn’t

Hopefully the remaster will improve on it; I also got interested in Alan Wake after finishing Control (on PC) and realized I already owned it on Steam from some old games bundle somewhere. Installed some texture updates, and honestly? It just doesn’t hold up. Or it was never as good. Considering Control was a major

Control is in the same universe and basically expands on everything in Alan Wake. Doubt there will be an Alan Wake 2 when there are so many more options in-universe.

This is one of the worst takes I’ve ever read. Like, impressively bad. Nonsensical. Religion and politics are completely different things. Since you clearly can't grasp that, I don't know what else to say to you.

Because they didn't want to be on the wrong side of history? No, that's about as close to "ethical capitalism" as you can get.

In my experience, only people with very iffy positions on things are afraid they'll be "found out" and face the court of public opinion.

He literally invoked the name of the company and his position in the tweet. If he’d said something like “I personally believe this, but it is not an official company position” that would still be extremely problematic but there might be /some/ (extremely weak) augment to be made that it shouldn’t affect his position /

Fucked around, found out.

Exactly. It is an understandable mistake, but leaving the article as is apart from an update at the end is unethical. 

Fix the article. You know full well (now that you've been informed - I understand the initial confusion) what you wrote isn't relevant. 

He apparently had a history of selling porn to underage boys (when he too was younger) and had been thrown out of school for it... So their distaste is pretty well justified in this case.

You clearly didn’t learn when to keep your mouth shut. Comically bad take - you’re here, based on your own words, thanks to luck outstripping idiocy, and nothing more. Sit down.


Eh. Most modern-ish cars will do 120+ without issue. It's said around here a lot, but even a modern Camry is faster than an 80s Ferrari.

That can't possibly have lasted long - Nintendo would sue them in to oblivion, and rightly so. Insane.